2 zodiac signs will be less affected by the full moon in May

2 zodiac signs will be less affected by the full moon in May
Photo: Unsplash

The full moon tends to be the most viscerally powerful phase of the lunar cycle, and this month’s grand lunation is no exception.

The full moon in May peaks on May 23 and will awaken everyone’s taste for adventure and desire for truth. It is also happening alongside some of the year’s most significant astrological alignments, which only amplifies the energy of this important cosmic moment.

These 2 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the May Full Moon

For some zodiac signs, this full moon and the adjacent planetary activity might end up being one of the most impactful cosmic moments of the season. But for these two, its effects may manifest a bit more subtly.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

The full moon in May is rising in your communication sector, making it a fabulous time to connect with people who can act as mentors or simply offer a broader perspective on something you’re thinking about. It’s also a helpful vibe for finally distancing yourself from people in your daily life who may act negatively and pessimistically towards your higher aspirations—because no one needs any unnecessary hate energy in their life. Either way, you’re unlikely to experience major upheavals or shocks with this lunation; so, simply keeping an open mind and speaking the truth will be very helpful to you.

Romantic Venus is in a beautiful alignment with abundant Jupiter at the same time as the full moon, which certainly marks an auspicious time for manifestation and good luck—especially for a Venus-ruled zodiac sign like you. But as this conjunction will activate your deep and private eighth house, you may feel these effects more internally, so it will be helpful to turn your focus inward and listen closely to your intuition.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

While full moons can often be hectic and energizing periods, May’s grand lunation may actually have the opposite effect on you this time. That’s because it’s peaking in your twelfth house, sleepy and focused on restoration, prompting a moment of personal introspection and spiritual growth.

While Sagittarius energy is outgoing and carefree, you may feel more inclined to spend some extra time alone with your thoughts during the full moon. It’s a good time to tune into any spiritual downloads or intuitive hits you may be receiving, and jotting down your dreams may also reveal some useful and self-reflective insights.

This full moon is powerful, but it will feel a bit more subtle in your case. However, you may find that a burst of inspiration pulls you out of the lunar fog, as a breakthrough around a passionate project or a sweet romantic prospect may manifest out of nowhere. Keep your heart open and rest so you can take advantage of any special opportunities that arise.

Source: Bustle

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