3 zodiac sign couples rarely fight

3 zodiac sign couples rarely fight
Photo: Unsplash

Some relationships are more full of arguments than others, and there are some lucky couples of zodiac signs who rarely fight thanks to their smooth and complementary compatibility.

When examining astrological compatibility in relationships, it is helpful to work with complete natal charts, as sun signs alone cannot give you a full picture of how the planetary composition of two people can actually synergize. However, observing which element the zodiac signs fit into can give you a good idea of who will clash versus who will connect.

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There are many compatible couple combinations in the zodiac, but there are a handful that are less likely to find themselves dealing with misunderstandings or drama. If you are part of one of these harmonious cosmic pairs, here is another reason to celebrate.

Cancer and Pisces

Birds of a feather should stick together, just like the zodiac’s resident sea creatures. Cancer and Pisces are water signs, so their emotional lives are of utmost importance to them and they love to dreamily daydream. The crab and the fish certainly have their differences, but overall, the compatibility between Cancer and Pisces is very peaceful and supportive.

Cancers can become sensitive and touchy at times, but Pisces, who go with the flow, have no problem following their emotions — so the cosmic crab’s ever-changing moods rarely cause conflicts. On the other hand, caring Cancers take pride in providing dreamy Pisces with a safe space where they can explore their creative visions and share their most vulnerable fantasies. Some signs may find Pisces’ ethereal nature frustrating, but Cancers find it captivating and inspiring.

Leo and Libra

Fun-loving Leos and charming Libras are two of the most outgoing and popular signs in the zodiac, so being the center of attention comes naturally to them. This kind of energy can be exhausting for some signs, so it is convenient for these two to share the spotlight, as they combine each other’s star power in the best possible way. That’s why Leo and Libra form such a complementary and conflict-free combination.

Balanced Libras always want to keep the peace, so they will do everything they can to avoid fighting with anyone, regardless of the sign. But when paired with a sociable and confident Leo, it is easy to keep things harmonious — as Leo’s generous and appreciative nature never takes their grace, style, and diplomacy for granted, and they always cover them with attention. On the other hand, Libras love being Leo’s partner in crime when it comes to pursuing their creative ventures or simply being the life of the party, and they are always excited to match their enthusiasm and optimism.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

In some ways, you might think Sagittarius and Aquarius would clash. After all, Sagittarius is a spontaneous and wild mutable sign, while Aquarius is a fair and committed fixed sign. However, when they come together, this pair can be one of the most drama-free and complementary cosmic combinations out there — as their independent spirits give each other the space they need to do their own things without pressure.

Aquarians are natural rebels, so it is important for them to feel they can express their individuality and go against the grain. This can be challenging for a more traditional sign, but for an open-minded Sagittarius, it is easy to step back and let an Aquarian wave their freak flag. On the other hand, a Sagittarius’ free spirit and desire for freedom can make some signs feel insecure, but Aquarians admire the archer’s wanderlust and have no interest in cramping their style.

Source: Bustle

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