After you mistreat certain zodiac signs, it’s only a matter of time before your texts stop going through. This is a clear sign that they’ve blocked your number and they probably won’t hesitate to block you on social media too.
For some zodiac signs, blocking someone is the first thing they think of doing whenever they get upset. Blocking is a way of sending the message that they’re angry and need space, but it can also be a permanent way of removing you from their life.
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According to astrologer Stina Garbis, the zodiac signs that block people the fastest often have a mix of intense emotions, “don’t mess with me” vibes, and a lot of confidence. “It takes a lot of courage to block someone immediately and swiftly,” she tells Bustle.
For comparison, she says other zodiac signs take forever to get to this step. For instance, Aries is the type to go back and forth with text messages and calls. They always have a lot to say and also want to salvage their relationships.
Meanwhile, other signs like Aquarius or Pisces may not even know there’s a blocking button on their phones, but either way, it wouldn’t be in their nature to use it. Either they don’t care enough or think it would be too cruel.
Below, the zodiac signs that will block you the fastest, according to an astrologer.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Although Libra is a carefree zodiac sign that gathers friends wherever they go, that doesn’t mean they won’t block you.
Libra is represented by the scales, so they’re constantly weighing the pros and cons of all their relationships. “That’s why, if you cross a Libra or don’t treat them well, they might cut you off pretty quickly,” says Garbis.
They’re also ruled by Venus, which means they value love and friendship above all else. If they feel you don’t have their best interests at heart, they’ll let their emotions take over and hit the block button.
As an air sign, they may block quickly, but they’re also quick to unblock, especially when they’ve had time to calm down and analyze the situation. It might be because they’ve decided to give you a second chance, but more likely it’s because they want to see if you’re chasing after them—or if you’re ready to apologize.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
If a Scorpio senses negative energy coming their way, their first reaction will be to protect their peace. As a water sign, they feel their feelings deeply, so it doesn’t take much to cut people out of their lives, says Garbis.
They’re also ruled by the distant Pluto, which means they’re perfectly happy alone. If you’re not right for them, or if you try to control them or start a fight, a Scorpio will set a firm boundary by blocking you on all platforms—text, Instagram, TikTok, whatever. They might even change their number.
Often a Scorpio will block a toxic partner or a bad friend so they can heal and move on, but other times they do it during a fight as a message-sending tactic. “Like a scorpion with a stinging tail, they block people just to hurt them,” says Garbis. “They love having the last word.”
Once on the block list, there’s no going back. According to Garbis, Scorpio has the confidence to burn bridges, especially if it’s for their own well-being.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn emits strong “don’t mess with me” vibes, says Garbis. The moment they decide they’re done with a friendship or relationship, they hit the block button and move on, often rolling their eyes.
“With Capricorn, it’s true self-esteem that allows them to block people so quickly,” she says. This is thanks to their ruler Saturn, which represents responsibility and control. They don’t have time or patience to deal with chaos, so they’ll block anyone who discourages or stresses them out.
As an earth sign, they like to keep the peace, but they also don’t want anything to hinder their success. If their phone is blowing up with messages from an ex, for example, they’ll just block to focus.
They’ll block old friends, crushes, exes, and even family members, and they’ll do it quickly. While some zodiac signs block people as a last resort, a Capricorn will block you without a second thought.
Source: Bustle
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