5 chaotic zodiac signs that love to stir up trouble

5 chaotic zodiac signs that love to stir up trouble5 chaotic zodiac signs that love to stir up trouble. Illustration: Signo.net.br

Chaos, in our daily lives, is confusion, deterioration, terror, misunderstanding, and disorder. And this is something that some zodiac signs know very well.

Which zodiac signs love chaos? Find out below!

1 – Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio is so chaotic – bad chaotic to be exact. Well, Scorpio not only loves chaos, but also wants to make sure you understand all this love they have for confusion. Loving chaos and bringing it to people is what you can expect from Scorpio. Yes, they are very smart and very loving, but they are the worst manipulators on earth, doing so with lies, seduction, promises of riches… and more lies. But there’s one situation where they bring chaos to a whole new level! When they are in love. So, be prepared!

2 – Leo (July 23 to August 22)

The impulsive Leo throws caution to the wind and does what they want, when they want, no matter the consequences. This is chaos in human form. Leo is stubborn and self-centered, and only does what they want. Well, that’s all good in a fantasy world, but in the real world, you don’t always get what you want. Unfortunately, Leos don’t consider that reasoning and force their way until they get what they want, which is undoubtedly real chaos. And chaos causes confusion, hurt, insecurity, and more, which Leo doesn’t care about. They create chaos, completely driven by emotion. Oh, and I don’t need to say that chaos is one of their favorite pastimes, right?

3 – Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini does things “just to see what would happen.” They don’t care about the outcome, only about how much trouble they can cause in the moment. Chaos makes Gemini feel alive. The Gemini has no idea what they’re doing; they call this lack of concern “living in the moment,” but the reality is that their actions are chaotic, all the time. Chaos is Gemini’s way of avoiding reality. Causing trouble and confusion is their hobby.

4 – Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgo hates chaos, but that doesn’t stop them from creating it daily. What really happens is that Virgo always believes they are right, no matter what. They also become furiously offended by anyone who disagrees with them, and to prove their point, they will create an entire fiction of lies just to get you on their side. When the lies are uncovered, chaos ensues. That’s why you can never trust a Virgo. Their need to be right surpasses the desire to be truthful, and this is the foundation of true chaos.

5 – Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Aquarius is another sign that loves chaos, especially when they are bored. They imagine disasters; they see planes colliding in the sky, imagine trains derailing, love the imaginary sound of people screaming trapped in a trash compactor. Aquarius is the one who yells “fire!” in a crowded theater just to see what happens, then claims it was a God-given right to have such freedom of speech. Aquarians can be cute, but they are also the craziest of all the zodiac signs.

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