5 Spells to Attract the Desired Person

5 spells to attract the desired person
Photo: Unsplash

If you are looking for love or want to win over that special person, some spells can help enhance your intentions and attract the desired energy.

Here are five simple and powerful spells for you to try:

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Salt and Water Spell

For this spell, you will need a glass of water and a spoonful of salt. At night, mix the salt in the water and say a prayer asking for the love you desire to come closer. Place the glass in a spot where no one will touch it and leave it until the next day. Then, pour the water in a place where it can spread, like a garden or on a street. This will help cleanse the energies and attract the person you desire.

Comb Spell

This one is very simple. Take a new comb and run it through your hair while saying the name of the desired person out loud. Then, place the comb under your pillow before you sleep. Dreaming of the person you love is a sign that your feelings are being reciprocated.

Apple Spell

For this spell, you will need a red apple and a piece of white paper. Write the name of the desired person on the paper and place it inside the apple. Then, bury the apple in a location that you consider special. While doing this, visualize the person coming closer to you. Over time, this spell may help spark their interest.

Candle Spell

Light two candles: one red and one pink. Place them on a plate and light them at the same time, asking for the love you desire to come to you. While the candles burn, visualize your connection with the loved one. When the candles have finished burning, throw the remnants in running water, like a river or sink. This spell helps energize your feelings and attract the right person.

Incense Spell

Choose an incense with a rose or jasmine scent, known for its love-attracting properties. Light the incense, and while it burns, focus on the image of the person you wish to attract. Ask the universe to bring this person into your life. Let the incense burn until the end and feel the loving energies intensifying around you.

Remember that spells are tools that can help focus your energy and intentions, but the most important thing is to cultivate self-confidence and self-love. Be open to love and connection with the person you want to attract, and the results may surprise you. Good luck!

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