5 zodiac signs likely to have a hostile marriage

5 zodiac signs likely to have a hostile marriage 5 zodiac signs likely to have a hostile marriage. Illustration: Signo.net.br

The good and bad qualities of your spouse come out during marriage. While some marriages thrive over time and evolve into happy, fulfilling partnerships, others are fraught from the beginning.

+ Signs Combination – Taurus and Sagittarius

So today, let’s look at several zodiac signs that have the unfortunate tendency to project hostility in marriage when they’re having a bad day.

The following star signs have a reputation for being slightly rude to partners.

1 – Taurus

Taurus has other qualities besides being quiet and reliable, despite popular belief. You can count on them to let you know if you’ve gained a few pounds or if the dish you made with love is overly sweet or salty. When they’re angry, they’re straightforward and blunt. At that point, some of them can verbally abuse their partners.

2 – Pisces

People fail to understand that toxic behavior in couples isn’t limited to physical violence. For instance, while an argument with a water sign might not leave you bruised, it would likely leave you feeling uneasy due to the barrage of words they’d employ to wound your inner soul. This may include lies, old grievances, and complaints of past conflicts, creating a hostile atmosphere in your marriage.

3 – Cancer

Cancer, the crab, can be kind, but their explosive temper leads them to say terrible things they can never take back. This undermines the victim’s sense of worth and dignity. This can result in long-term damage to their partner’s self-esteem.

4 – Scorpio

To feel more powerful, Scorpios take advantage of compulsion and emotional abuse to make their partners feel less independent and perhaps more dependent on their Scorpio spouse. Before the relationship becomes even more hostile, the partner must learn to recognize these manipulative traits and put an end to them.

5 – Leo

Some zodiac signs struggle to communicate their emotions in a healthy manner. When a Leo is upset, whether it’s due to loss, frustration at work, or stress, they often lash out at the closest person, which is usually their spouse, breeding resentment in the marriage.
If the spouse doesn’t want to respond with a spirit of peace, they should tell these signs to cool it, or else their habits could eventually cause irreparable damage to their marriage.

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