In astrology, certain zodiac signs seem to have an area of expertise when it comes to offering comfort, uplifting talks, recommendations, or anything else you might need.
Water signs, for example, are professionals in anything related to relationships, while earth signs are the ones you can always turn to when you need tough love in your career.
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It’s good to keep this in mind next time you’re facing a hyper-specific problem and need help. While it would be great if your mom could give you world-class dating advice, or if your sister could finally show up and tell you how to fix your finances, they don’t always know what to say.
Meanwhile, your Virgo best friend is ready to advise you on your retirement, while your Gemini roommate always seems to know where to get the best burritos in town.
Keep reading to get the best type of advice you’ll receive from each zodiac sign based on their personality traits.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries is one of the boldest—and most straightforward—members of the zodiac, which means they’re the perfect friend to turn to whenever you need true and honest relationship advice.
They’ll share their true opinion about your toxic partner, which usually includes all the reasons why you need to break up with them. They’re also ready and willing to throw tough love your way when you’re the one who’s wrong and needs to apologize.
This fire sign, Aries, is ruled by the warrior planet Mars, so they’re not afraid to tell it like it is, even if it ruffles some feathers.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
As an earth sign, Taurus is the level-headedness you need when you’re in the midst of a career crisis. If you’re going through workplace drama and need some quick advice, grab a Taurus and get their opinion.
They can set aside their own emotions and look at the facts, which is exactly what you need when it comes to your salary. Taurus is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so they’ll give you all the care and attention you need until you figure things out.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
As an air sign ruled by the chatty Mercury, Gemini is always on the lookout. If you’re planning a trip, they’ll undoubtedly have the best tips on where to go and what to see.
Even if you’re planning to stay close to your hometown, they’ll be able to suggest the best restaurants and bars, including ones no one has ever heard of.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
If you feel stuck in life, Cancer has your back. This water sign is deeply in tune with their own emotions as well as everyone else’s.
They have a strong sixth sense, so they can offer advice on most things—even when you have no idea what you want or need.
If something feels wrong, they’ll assess your situation and suggest a career change, where to live, or who to date, almost as if they were your own medium.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
As a confident fire sign, there’s a specific scenario where Leo’s advice really shines: after a breakup. They’re the best friends to turn to when your heart is broken and you’re not sure what to do next.
They’ll not only say all the right things to help you forget about your ex, but they’ll also pick you up, dust you off, and insist you go out on the town. They’ll take you to dinner, buy you a drink, and help you bounce back.
They’ll also be the best wingman when you’re ready to meet someone new.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The practical Virgo knows what’s what when it comes to money.
This earth sign is the professional you need when you have everyday money questions, like splitting a bill or calculating a tip, but they also know all the steps you need to take to save money or fix your credit score.
They won’t feel overwhelmed or bored by this topic, like other signs might. Instead, they’ll pick up the phone and eagerly show you all their favorite money apps. Listen to them, and you’ll be financially solid in no time.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
No one pays as much attention to detail as Libra. They’re an air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, love, and aesthetics, so they know what looks good and what doesn’t.
Ask them for advice before cutting your hair, and really listen when they insist you don’t need bangs. They’ll also tell you, without hesitation, if a certain pair of jeans is “so last season” or if you’ve picked the right color of the season for your shirt.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
No one is more independent or self-sufficient than a Scorpio. If you’re moving out on your own for the first time or to an entirely new city, this intuitive water sign will have all the best tips and tricks to make everything go as smoothly as possible.
They’ll help you through the transition period and teach you what you need to know not only to survive but also to thrive. They’ll also answer your messages when you’re feeling scared or alone in the middle of the night.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
If you want to be more brave and outgoing, find a Sagittarius.
This fire sign is full of good advice when it comes to putting yourself out there, whether it’s making new friends or partners, or simply wanting to be bolder at networking events.
Sagittarius shines when chatting with strangers or mingling at parties, and they would certainly be eager to teach you the ropes.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
No one is more disciplined than a Capricorn. This earth sign, ruled by the very responsible Saturn, leads their life like a tight ship. They wake up early, never miss a yoga session, and drink more water than you could imagine.
That’s why they’re a good choice if you’re trying to kick a bad habit, like smoking, or start a new one, like walking more often. They’ll be able to share their mindset and to-do lists that will help them achieve their goals and be an excellent accountability partner.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
There’s a reason why you love having an Aquarius around when life is out of control: they’re totally calm and balanced. You could even say they’re carefree.
If you are dealing with something very anxious—like relationship drama or work problems—and need someone to help you relax, Aquarius is the one to reach out to first.
They can also guide you through a panic attack like no other.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
If you just had lunch with your brother and he immediately made you cry, ask your Pisces best friend as soon as possible for the best advice.
As an empathetic water sign, they’ll listen silently as you vent about your family problems and then give you the best advice you’ve ever heard, almost as if they were a certified therapist.
They’re professionals at handling explosive tempers and will also help you set amazing boundaries, so nothing as irritating happens again.
Source: Bustle
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