Your financial horoscope for June

Money horoscope for October

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Winter solstice arrives on June 20, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to start budgeting for a trip with lots of fondue and wine.

Fortunately, June’s astrology brings many opportunities to manifest abundance, act productively towards your financial goals, and think clearly about the next steps in your career.

+ Weekly Tarot Forecast: Time to Be Happy

Check out your financial horoscope for June 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

You have the gift of gab this month, so get yourself a raise or a new job. You’re more persuasive than you think, so ask and see what you receive. Once the action planet Mars hits your financial sector on May 9, you’ll be even more motivated to achieve your financial goals and take control of your finances. If you need to present a project or an updated budget, mid-June’s Mercury Cazimi is a great time to think clearly. The full moon on June 21 brings a burst of renewed energy to your career, so use this to showcase your talents and prove your worth.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Gemini season brings a lot of energy to your financial sector in the early weeks of the month, so think about your savings goals and keep a solid mental grip on your finances. Make a money manifestation under the June 6 new moon, as abundant vibes are swirling your way and this could work in your favor. Motivated Mars enters your sign on June 9, giving you extra endurance to pursue whatever you desire. Use this energy to your advantage in the latter half of the month, as the June 21 full moon inspires you to make a practical plan to reach aspirational heights.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It’s your season, Gemini, so your manifestation game is strong. You have the power of clear thinking and the law of attraction on your side. Focus on opening your heart to abundance during the first week of the month and set some serious intentions regarding money on the June 6 new moon. If you work hard, what you start now will have lasting power. Your money zone will be activated in the second half of June, so use this energy to budget and look at your bank account with fresh eyes.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Go-getter Mars is in your career sector in the first third of the month, so make power moves at work and chase the raise or promotion you deserve. By June 9, you’ll be able to make lucrative connections through networking, so polish up your professional social pages and get out there to meet people in your field. Cancer season starts on June 20, and now’s the time for your goals to shine. Move confidently and splurge on a birthday treat.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Sometimes success depends on who you know, and the first half of the month is an important time for you to make lucrative connections. Get out and network under the June 6 new moon. A few days later, go-getter Mars hits your career zone, giving a big boost to your professional game and inspiring you to pursue your goals. The productive and pragmatic full moon on June 21 is the perfect time to dive into the nitty-gritty of your finances and set a winter budget.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Your career is on fire this month and opportunities are opening up for you left and right. Use the June 6 new moon to launch an important new project or move towards a more lucrative career path. If there’s a higher course or area of study you want to enter to steer your career in a different direction, you may feel motivation increasing by mid-June. Once winter kicks in, networking becomes easier, and the June 21 full moon is the perfect time to put some love into a passionate project or side activity.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You have your eyes on distant horizons now, Libra – so if you need to start saving for a vacation abroad or for a higher course, now is a fabulous time. Use the June 6 new moon to set some intentions that support your overall financial goals. When Cancer season arrives, your career comes into great focus, so put your heart and soul into your professional life and allow your talents to shine. You’re catching the attention of the right people and can use that extra attention to start getting a raise or a new position.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The first third of the month can be especially productive for you, so use the motivation momentum to map out your winter budget and detail your financial situation. The June 6 new moon can be a great time to invest, as long as it’s well thought out and practical. Unexpected luck may also boost your bank account during the first half of the month, so keep your heart open. The universe may surprise you. Winter puts your mind on overall financial goals and possible future vacations, so use the productive vibes of the June 21 full moon to start working on the logistics of your plans.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Business partnerships can really blossom for you in the first half of the month, and the June 6 new moon is the perfect time to start a lucrative professional connection with someone important. Mars enters your responsibility sector on June 9, giving you a lot of motivation to delve into the details of your financial situation. Make a bold winter budget and stick to it. Remember that paying off debts may seem extremely important when the solstice arrives on June 20, so include that in your plans too. The full moon the next day is the perfect time to move money and start acting towards the goals you’ve set.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Creating a winter budget or planning finances is easy in the early weeks of the month, so use the June 6 new moon to delve into the details. You have your hands in many pots right now, but you can handle it. Exciting projects and side activities can also be lucrative if you dedicate yourself to them, especially in mid-June. During the last third of the month, an important business partnership or professional commitment may arise, so keep an open mind. The full moon in your sign on June 21 is your chance to act.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

If you’re looking to earn some extra money with a parallel or creative endeavor, the early weeks of the month bring many opportunities. Pour your heart into passion under the June 6 full moon, as many doors are opening and you may find your ideas are more lucrative than you thought. When Cancer season arrives, your schedule will be filled with responsibilities, so stay up to date and channel that focused organizational energy into your budget. Impossible dreams are over and step-by-step plans for success are thriving.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Focus on taking care of home renovation projects and any financial obligations involving your living situation in the first half of the month, especially under the June 6 new moon. Entrepreneurial Mars hits your communication zone a few days later, so launch your big projects and ask for favors if you need them. Once Cancer season starts on June 20, you may have more energy for side activities and passionate projects. See if you can find more joy in your efforts to make money. The full moon the next day reminds that sometimes teamwork makes the dream work, so collaborating with others can be a lucrative attitude.

Source: Bustle

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