End of Mercury Retrograde Today; See if Your Sign Will Feel Great Relief

End of Mercury Retrograde Today; See if Your Sign Will Feel Great Relief
Photo: Anastasia Nele / Unsplash

On August 28, 2024, Mercury stations direct in Leo, ending its retrograde. During Mercury retrograde in August, the cosmic messenger planet began its retrograde in Virgo and moved backward into Leo.

This Mercury retrograde developed in our internal Virgo traits: responsibility, mindfulness, maturity; and in Leo’s qualities: confidence, self-assertion, and pride.

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Now that the retrograde is ending, we can celebrate blessings, growth, and clarity. But what are the next steps for your sign? What can you expect? What blessings are in store now that the communication planet is on the correct course? Find out!

Aries: Relationship Recovery

Mercury retrograde ends in your romantic sector on August 28, Aries. Communication issues with a lover may have caused you stress. However, deep introspection likely occurred, helping you clear your mind and find closure for unresolved issues. Moving forward, you are blessed with clarity in your love life. You’ll feel back to yourself soon, confident and capable of making choices that align with your highest good.

Taurus: Domestic Harmony

Mercury retrograde is ending on August 28. This occurs in your home life sector, Taurus. You likely felt confusion or tension arising around your domestic matters. Fortunately, clarity is arriving now. You can make important decisions and plan for the future with a clearer mind. Communication issues with family members, roommates, or domestic life partners are resolved.

Gemini: Healing Conversations

Mercury retrograde ends in your communication sector, Gemini. You had the typical Mercury retrograde experience: misunderstandings, difficulty in understanding others and being understood, or technological issues. Fortunately, this is passing. You can see things as they are, without foggy glasses. Clarifying and healing conversations allow you to resolve and get to the core of key issues.

Cancer: Financial Relief

Mercury retrograde is ending in your resources sector, Cancer. From August 28 onward, you regain confidence in financial matters. You likely felt stressed by large expenses, financial errors, or career issues beyond your control. You regain control over your income, outcome, and the middle ground as Mercury stations direct. Self-esteem and confidence are also strengthened.

Leo: Strong Self-Image

Leo, you felt strongly impacted by this Mercury retrograde. As the retrograde ends in your sign, you are ready to take significant steps forward. A surge of confidence is rising. You had to reprocess many unresolved issues that impacted your identity. As you accept yourself in a new light, your life path opens up.

Virgo: Intuitive Awareness

As Mercury retrograde ends in your subconscious sector, spiritual insight graces you. This Mercury retrograde left you confused. However, you can now identify the self-sabotaging patterns that held you back. Listening to your inner voice, you are blessed with internal conviction to release emotional baggage.

Libra: Strong Friendships

Mercury retrograde ends in your social sector. You likely felt the need for clarity regarding your acquaintances and the role they play in your life. By processing past disappointments and unresolved issues, you’ve found stronger boundaries in your connections. Moving forward, you are ready to implement significant changes in your communities.

Scorpio: Career Redemption

You likely felt misdirected or needed clarity in career matters. However, the fog is lifting. You are ready to regain control over your professional path. Reprocessing things you once swept under the rug has given you renewed conviction. Moving forward, you are realigning with your purpose and integrity.

Sagittarius: Stronger Faith

As Mercury retrograde ends, Sagittarius feels empowered—the retrograde ends in your philosophical sector, challenging your beliefs. You had to think for yourself, breaking free from the hive mentality. Being pushed out of your comfort zone allowed you to gain the life experience needed to make the right moral decision. Now, you are blessed with solid values and a guiding light. Faith restores your spirit.

Capricorn: Deeper Intimacy

Mercury retrograde ends in your intimacy sector. It has been a challenging time for relationships for many Capricorns. Insecurities, anxieties, and emotional barriers blocking the path to vulnerable and meaningful connections had to be processed. As you move forward, you are beginning to understand the difference between who is trustworthy with your heart and soul and who is not ready.

Aquarius: Relationship Growth

Mercury retrograde ends in your relationship sector. As you reflect on unresolved issues, it has been a challenging time in your connections, Aquarius. Moving forward, you are ready to correct your mistakes or give someone else a chance to do the same. There is a new commitment in your interpersonal dynamics.

Pisces: Protective Boundaries

As Mercury stations direct, you are ready to break free from self-sacrifice. With your time and energy limited, you need to ensure that your needs are met. Giving too much is no longer the glue for your connections. You are ready to serve others and yourself in equal balance. Implementing new routines, habits, and skills that will help you grow practically boosts your self-esteem.

Source: Parade

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