Weekly Tarot Forecast: Organize Your Finances

According to this week’s tarot forecast, the energies are favorable for organizing your finances.

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The tarot card this week for love is the “Snake,” which means the energies are not positive for deep conversations. It’s a week filled with complications and heavy energies, so be very careful about what you say and to whom, as it could be used against you. Try to minimize discussions about your love life, as interpretations will be many and not favorable.


It’s a time for waiting, observing, and especially remaining calm. Try not to act impulsively and don’t expect major changes. The tarot card governing your work is the “Bear.” This card is a warning not to expose your plans too much. Do your part, let others do theirs, and don’t expect big changes.


While the energies might not be favorable for your personal life, they are excellent for finances. The tarot card that reveals this is the “Bouquet.” Take advantage of this time to get your life in order, as extra money is coming and new income opportunities are on the way.


The worries of daily life may be affecting your health more than you realize. It’s important to start slowing down; otherwise, you’re at high risk of your body being affected. Many health problems are linked to stress, and the tarot card giving this warning is the “Cross.” So, try to find ways to take more time for self-care.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was translated with the help of AI.

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