Aries is the most argumentative and self-righteous of the zodiac; see 32 characteristics

Aries is the most argumentative and self-righteous of the zodiac; see 32 characteristicsAries is the most argumentative and self-righteous of the zodiac; see 32 characteristics. Illustration:

Arians are difficult, everyone knows that. Ruled by the god of war, both male and female Arians are combative, determined, and extremely dynamic. They are passionate, adventurous, and of course, self-righteous and arrogant to the extreme!

1. You know that always-on-edge person? Irritable, who even argues with the mirror? That’s an Arian!

2. And that argumentative, controlling, and sometimes even quarrelsome woman? She’s an Arian too.

3. If you pass by and hear a couple arguing, talking loudly, shamelessly, and without scruples, you can bet: one of them is Arian. The one who’s embarrassed might be an unsuspecting Libra.

4. Arians are impatient, and if you step on their toes, get out of the way. They’ll explode, insult you, and say whatever comes to mind.

5. But 10 minutes later, they won’t even remember what they said and will tell you that you’re overreacting.

6. Arians are romantic, both men and women, but just as they fall madly in love, they can fall out of love just as quickly.

7. They love adventures, especially romantic ones.

8. They get indescribable pleasure from winning, whether it’s a new job or a new romance.

9. Challenges? They can’t live without them.

10. Want to bore an Arian to death? Suggest a boring marriage, with set times for waking up, sleeping, loving, and traveling.

11. They are always in a hurry and get anxious when things aren’t resolved at the moment they want them to be.

12. Never tell them you need to talk but now’s not the right time. They’ll bite all their nails and won’t leave you alone until you speak.

13. If you’re more laid-back and living with an Aries, get ready to arm yourself with patience because you’ll need it.

14. They are romantic, but only when they’re in love.

15. If they don’t like you, or if you do something that displeases them, be prepared. They don’t hold back their words.

16. The last word is always theirs – and there’s no point in trying to change that.

17. The absolute truth is under their control. They own it.

18. Stubbornness? That’s part of their charm too.

19. Understand one thing: when they want something, there’s no convincing them it’s not worth it. They want it, they’ll get it.

20. They are full of energy. Unbearably full of life energy.

21. Second place has never been their goal. They enter marathons, sports competitions, corporate evaluations, and of course, they want to win them all in first place!

22. Arians love conquering and are very involved in romantic relationships.

23. Don’t even try to tie them down. In whatever it is, you’ve already lost.

24. If you want to win over someone of this sign, don’t complain, don’t have crying fits, don’t play the victim. They’ll run from people with those traits.

25. Don’t expect comfort from them. They wouldn’t even know where to start.

26. But if you want a great adventure partner, they’ll be one of a kind!

27. Don’t be surprised if, all of a sudden, they start complaining and start a fight out of nowhere. Arians often need to dump their frustrations on someone. Usually whoever’s closest.

28. Tip: don’t provoke them. You’ll definitely get burned.

29. And they’ll walk away from any argument with that insufferable look (that only they know how to have) of victory.

30. Don’t forget: they are the first sign of the zodiac and, for that reason, are eternal children. Treat them with kindness and set boundaries on their need to step into the ring.

31. They are loyal, even underwater.

32. But they love to conquer.

This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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