8 Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Married Life

8 Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Married Life. Photo: Pexels
8 Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Married Life. Photo: Pexels

Someone once said: “Marriages are made in heaven… but so are thunder and lightning!” Yes, being married is a full-time job, and a couple needs to constantly work to make it successful. Romance is a key to a happy married life and one of the main reasons many marriages fail when romance is lacking.

However, this can be fixed with the help of Feng Shui tips. Feng Shui helps to promote and spread positive vibes in the house, as a couple definitely needs to be surrounded by positive energies!

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Here are 8 easy Feng Shui tips for a happy married life!

1 – Reorganize (Feng Shui tips):

There is a famous saying that a cluttered bedroom is a symbol of a cluttered mind! Yes, clutter means bad news for Feng Shui, as it represents chaos and disorder. This is why it’s crucial to reorganize, as no one wants chaos in their newlywed life! Removing all clutter also helps to channel the energy flow properly within the house. Getting rid of unnecessary things also ends the past and purges your home of any negative influences and energies.

2 – Buy the right bed (Feng Shui tips):

The bed is an important part of the bedroom, and it is where spouses connect on an intimate level. According to Feng Shui, it is crucial to have the right bed for the bedroom. Additionally, the bed should:

  • Not be pushed into a tight corner and should be accessible from all sides of the room. This will help promote positive energy within the space.
  • Not be placed under beams or directly below a ceiling fan, as these disruptions disturb energy flow and increase stress levels.
  • Feet should not point towards the door while sleeping.
  • No mirrors should be placed on either side of the bed.
  • Nothing should be stored under the bed.
  • The size of the bed also matters. While a king-size bed might seem like a great idea due to its space, it can create emotional distance between spouses.
3 – Bedroom (Feng Shui tips):

Feng Shui experts suggest that because the bedroom is an intimate space, it is essential to keep the bedroom door closed, especially while the couple is sleeping. Many people mistake an open door as a sign of good influence, but this is only true for businesses. The bedroom door should remain closed to block external influences.

4 – Avoid water features (Feng Shui tips):

Water features such as small decorative fountains or aquariums are not a good idea for the bedroom, as they do not symbolize good Feng Shui for love.

5 – No television (Feng Shui tips):

A television creates distractions in the bedroom, and its disruptive forces divert attention from more important things.

6 – Add decorative plants in the bedroom (Feng Shui tips):

Small flowering shrubs can be used to decorate the bedroom, as flowers symbolize love, life, and beauty. Flowering plants are also a great addition to the house. However, they should be placed in the southwest corner of the house.

Note: If you can’t care for real plants, you can opt for silk plants.

With real plants, it’s important to regularly remove dead leaves and flowers.

Avoid any kind of cactus or spiky plants.

7 – Buy in pairs (Feng Shui tips):

Whatever you wish to buy, make sure to buy in pairs. It’s not only romantic but also symbolizes equality and love. However, this does not apply to electronics.

8 – Use romantic colors in the house (Feng Shui tips):

Choosing romantic colors in the house will help enhance romance between the couple. Colors like red or pink are great choices.

Source: Times Of India. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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