Weekly Tarot Forecast: Great for Settling Debts

Previsão semanal do tarot: ótimo para resolver dívidas
Weekly Tarot Forecast: Great for Settling Debts. Photo: Pexels

The weekly tarot forecast points to a good time for financial adjustments. This week is excellent for settling debts.

Check out the full weekly tarot forecast.


This is a time for observation – there are situations where it’s best to let the dust settle to avoid future complications. It’s not a good week for picking fights or giving importance to things that haven’t even happened yet. The card from the Lenormand deck that brings this warning is “The Scythe,” which means cutting – any side conversations about your feelings should be avoided.


Good energies are on the way – that new job, that promotion – so take advantage of this phase and give it your all. Great challenges are made for people with greater purpose. The Lenormand card that will guide your steps this week at work is “The Bouquet,” a card for bringing new projects to life.


An excellent week to reorganize your financial life. Extra income and financial improvements are on the horizon. Of course, discipline is always needed, but you’ll have the means to solve old money issues. Enjoy this positive phase – the Lenormand card announcing this good news is “The Lilies,” symbolizing peace and calm.


It’s necessary to make more time to take care of your health – you’ve been putting it off. Starting that diet, following healthy eating habits, or even beginning a physical activity will be essential this week. The Lenormand card that shows the direction this week is “The Rider,” which means it’s important to give more attention to your health.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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