Can astrology tell if you’re an old soul — or a novice?

Can astrology tell if you’re an old soul — or a novice?
Photo: Unsplash

Have you been here before? There’s a trick in astrology that can help you determine if you’re new to life — or just living the last of many lives.

TikTok astrologer Maryaam Lewis-Herbert — also known as Shawty Herbs — claims to have discovered a method in astrology for carbon dating the matter of the soul.

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“If you want to find out if you have an older or younger soul, it’s really important that you pay attention to the asteroid in your natal chart called Spirit. More specifically, you have to pay attention to the degree your Spirit asteroid is at,” Lewis-Herbert explained.

To refresh your memory, the natal chart contains not only planets but also asteroids. Some asteroids are considered minor or dwarf planets, meaning they orbit the sun but don’t have the mass to be considered full luminaries.

Regardless of their position, the influence of asteroids on our lives can be profound.

Astrologers like Lewis-Herbert believe that the Spirit asteroid is not only indicative of the true age of the soul but also that the sign and degree Spirit falls under can reveal which gifts or challenges define us and await us.

To find out where and at what degree Spirit falls in your chart, you need to calculate an extended natal chart based on your birth date, time, and location.

What the findings mean

Having your Spirit asteroid at an early degree — between, say, 6 and 11 — means you’re a younger soul with a few rounds of reincarnation under your stellar belt. You’re just beginning to experience and integrate your lessons.

Less than 5 degrees is true noob territory.

The teen degrees correspond to the intermediate stages of soul development.

Twenty degrees or more is mature, approaching ancient AF, with 28 to 29 providing ancient cave paintings and alien downloads.

These later degrees are well-versed in reincarnation — and painfully familiar with living on this brutal and beautiful earthly plane.

Comments on Lewis-Herbert’s instructional video are a mess, with those on the younger end of the soul spectrum exclaiming, “0 degrees, I’m new here and already over it. Can I go back to where I came from?” and “2 degrees, my soul is a child LMAO.”

Those on the upper end responded with messages of weariness: “29 degrees, I’m so tired.”

Where do you fall in the soul cycle?

Source: NyPost

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