Esses 3 signos do zodíaco são os mais rebeldes

These 3 zodiac signs are the most rebellious

Some zodiac signs like their days to be cozy, comfortable, and even a little predictable — and there’s nothing wrong with that. They appreciate having a work schedule that keeps them on track, a routine that helps them organize their nights, and a set of expectations that guide them from milestone to milestone.

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3 casais de signos do zodíaco raramente brigam

3 zodiac sign couples rarely fight

Some relationships are more full of arguments than others, and there are some lucky couples of zodiac signs who rarely fight thanks to their smooth and complementary compatibility.

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Quais signos do zodíaco serão os melhores CEOs?

Which zodiac signs will be the best CEOs?

Selecting the best CEO based on zodiac signs can be subjective and fun, but it’s important to remember that leadership skills and business success depend on many factors, such as experience, education, personality, and environment, not just astrology.

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Como aproveitar ao máximo a lua cheia de 21 de julho

How to make the most of the full moon on July 21

This year’s Cancer season is special because it ends exactly as it began — with a powerful full moon. The full moon appearing on July 21 is considered an astrological “blue moon,” as it’s the second consecutive lunar climax occurring during Cancer season.

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