Como aproveitar ao máximo a lua cheia de 21 de julho

How to make the most of the full moon on July 21

This year’s Cancer season is special because it ends exactly as it began — with a powerful full moon. The full moon appearing on July 21 is considered an astrological “blue moon,” as it’s the second consecutive lunar climax occurring during Cancer season.

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6 signos do zodíaco que tem poder de cura

6 Zodiac Signs with Healing Powers

Astrology not only reveals personality traits and life trends but can also offer powerful insights into how each zodiac sign can influence emotional, mental, and even physical well-being.

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2 signos do zodíaco dão os piores conselhos sobre namoro

2 zodiac signs give the worst dating advice

Each sign has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to dating advice, and you can’t tell if someone will have useful insights based solely on their sun sign. This is because everyone has a much more complex birth chart that shapes their unique personality and perspective, so there’s no need to scratch someone off your love life support list based on their birthday alone.

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2 signos do zodíaco que pegam nojo tão facilmente

2 zodiac signs that get disgusted so easily

You, regardless of your zodiac sign, have probably experienced this at some point: someone you are attracted to does or says something seemingly inconsequential, but it ends up being a huge and instant turn-off. Just like that, you feel disgusted, and once someone gives you the ick, it can be hard to undo it.

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