Como cada signo lida com uma relação aberta?

How does each zodiac sign deal with an open relationship?

In astrology, we can say that the era of romance and sex with just one partner is numbered. The Age of Aquarius has not yet arrived, but we are already stepping into it, and it is already showing us that friendships are becoming more important than those involving romantic love.

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4 signos do zodíaco que poderão enfrentar dificuldades em novembro de 2023

4 zodiac signs that may face challenges in November 2023

While astrology is not an exact science, many people believe that the movements of the planets and cosmic energies can influence our lives in various ways. In November 2023, four zodiac signs may encounter challenges and obstacles that will require patience, determination, and resilience.

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Os 5 signos do zodíaco mais malignos. Descubra!

The 5 Most Malicious Zodiac Signs. Discover!

No matter how hard some people try, they simply can’t contain their anger and frustration. Some turn it into a fight, while, in the worst cases, some even begin to plot a grand revenge, and the zodiac signs are involved in this!

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