Combination of Signs – Gemini and Cancer

Combinazione di Segni - Gemelli e Cancro. Illustrazione Signo.netCombination of Signs – Gemini and Cancer. Illustration

Gemini and Cancer: Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, inclined towards the worldly pleasures of life, and not very inclined towards more serious commitments requiring stability and durability.

Cancer is a water sign, highly sensitive and wholly devoted to commitments, especially those involving family.

Building a family through a responsible and committed relationship is the main goal of individuals of this sign.

This is not one of the healthiest relationships, as the emotional instability of both parties can pose some problems.

Cancer is unstable, but even living within a kaleidoscope of emotions, it never crosses their mind to seek new emotions in a relationship.

Once the commitment is made, it is honored.

Gemini, on the other hand, carries within themselves the seed of instability that can lead to infidelity or at least curiosity.

This will always be a difficult point for Cancer, as their vulnerability and sensitivity would not bear a betrayal.

Cancer has within them the loyalty that must be maintained for the construction of a long-term relationship.

Gemini does not have this need and may even feel suffocated in a too closed relationship.

Unless there are other factors in the charts indicating a combination of other planets and signs, this could be a very unbalanced combination that could bring more problems than joys.

Cancer is home-loving and family-oriented. Gemini does not like to stay at home and will always prefer social engagements and spending time with friends.

Cancer wants tranquility and peace, Gemini wants to party, be surrounded by many people, and a lot of noise.

Both are uncertain and unstable, each in their own way.

The need for affection from one, versus the indifference towards the emotional world of the other, may be enough to cause a natural distance.

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