Combination of Signs – Virgo and Cancer

Combination of Signs - Virgo and Cancer
Combination of Signs – Virgo and Cancer

Virgo and Cancer: Discover who your sign is most compatible with.

This is a relationship that, with some patience and not too much effort, can work out. Virgo is a sign ruled by the earth element, and Cancer by water. Water nourishes the earth, and the earth provides boundaries and shape to the water.
Virgo is a discreet, practical sign that loves work. They are methodical, organized, and home-loving. They love knowledge, and having a library at home is one of their biggest dreams. Cancer is also a sign associated with work and is never far from a project. It also carries the need for organization and practicality to avoid getting lost amid instability and excess emotions.

Two achievement-oriented signs connected to work may enjoy a relationship based on building a more comfortable and fruitful life.

Both need to have a goal in mind, and both are effective at achieving goals. The problem arises when Cancerian romanticism comes to the forefront. Insecurities surface, and Virgo begins to get irritated with so much sentimentality.

Virgo is too realistic, pragmatic, and often cold when it comes to love. They are rational and do not like to lose control in the face of stronger emotions.

They prefer discreet love, without many effusive demonstrations of affection and physical contact. They realize love more in practical life than emotionally.

The common ground is the need to care and help, each in their own way, but this will be another point of unity between the two.

The closed and reserved temperament of Cancer positively attracts the Virgo, who is, above all, discreet and silent. Virgo is authoritative, and here the tendency is for the Virgo person to dominate the relationship. Home life is another strong point of the relationship, as parties and social life do not please either of them.

Care, affection, common interests, and discretion even in moments of intimacy will ensure that this interesting relationship is built with the help of the patience and tolerance that exist in both signs.

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