Here’s your financial horoscope for August 2024:

Your Financial Horoscope for August 2024
Photo: Unsplash

The first weeks of August are dominated by the flashy and glamorous energy of Leo season, so you may desire a more luxurious summer lifestyle.

August’s astrology brings some auspicious opportunities to go after your financial goals, but Mercury retrograde will influence the vibe for most of the month, so all zodiac signs should be extremely cautious about how they spend and make plans.

Here’s your horoscope for August

Keep reading to see your financial horoscope for August 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Mercury retrograde begins with the new moon on August 4 and may throw some curveballs into your daily budget from now until mid-month. Take extra care to check what’s happening with your bank account and give yourself a bit of grace if you stray a bit from the plan.

Virgo season starts to light up your work and routine sector on August 22, making it easier to get your finances organized. The last third of the month is a great time to review your spending habits and be more mindful of things you can change to boost your savings — especially when Mercury retrograde ends on August 28.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Side projects are on your mind now, and the Mercury retrograde starting on August 4 might inspire you to revisit a lucrative idea from the past with some renewed inspiration — especially during the first third of the month. While it might not be the best time to launch a new passion project, it could be a helpful vibe for revisiting details or looking at things with fresh eyes.

The full moon on August 19 peaks in your career sector, so take time to assess whether you’re on the right professional path and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Additionally, motivating Mars is in your financial zone all month — so if you’re not happy with what you see in your bank account, trust that you have the power to initiate some important changes.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

If you need to have a frank conversation about money — whether with a boss or a business partner — the optimistic new moon on August 4 could be a good time to do it, as you’ll feel particularly confident. Additionally, motivating Mars is in your sign all month, giving you plenty of energy to take initiative toward your goals, financially and otherwise.

Mercury may be retrograde, but you could have some luck launching an idea around August 7, when the sun aligns with fortunate Jupiter in your sign. The cazimi of Mercury on August 18 can also help you think more clearly about how you want to spend your money — and the full moon the following day can help you evolve your beliefs about money.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Leo season is illuminating your financial life, and the new moon on August 4 is a great time to seek a new source of income or start working toward a raise. Whatever you do, do it with confidence. Just keep in mind that Mercury retrograde can make communication challenging in the coming weeks, so if you need to have any important money discussions, be extremely aware of potential misunderstandings.

The full moon on August 19 brings debts to your attention and, while it might be stressful to dig into the depths of your financial situation, it’s better to face things — and then plan to address any issues. As soon as Mercury retrograde ends on August 28, take action.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You’re the star of the cosmic show for most of August, so set aside some money for luxurious celebrations — especially under the bright new moon in your sign on August 4. But don’t throw all caution to the wind, as Mercury retrograde starts in your financial sector shortly after the new moon, and it may be easy to lose track of your spending until mid-month. Treat yourself, but keep some boundaries for yourself.

Once Virgo season starts on August 22, review the details of your current budget and get your finances more organized after a month of birthday fun. And once the retrograde ends on August 28, it will be easier to move forward with your savings goals.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Luxurious Venus enters your sign along with the new moon on August 4, making it easier to attract more abundance into your life. But Mercury retrograde also starts, so remember that your financial goals and desires might not seem clear in the coming weeks.

Aside from the retrograde, you can make great progress toward financial goals now, as motivating Mars is in your career sector all month. It’s a great time to revisit old projects and give them some new life. The full moon on August 19 is the perfect time to clear out bad financial habits before birthday season starts a few days later. Clean up your spending now so you have more wiggle room for celebrations.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Enterprising Mars is lighting up your expansive ninth house all month, so if you need to seek out a financial mentor or do some deep research into financial education, it’s a great time to make it happen. Mercury retrograde might also inspire you to revisit some exciting career ideas left on the shelf, so keep an open mind for diversifying your sources of income.

The full moon on August 19 asks you to take your passion projects seriously and consider how they might eventually boost your income as well. If you’re willing to put in the effort, be creative, and have patience, you could turn a hobby into a side hustle.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The bold and creative energy of Leo season is helping you shine in your professional life with more confidence, and the new moon on August 4 is the perfect time to make a powerful move at work. But when Mercury retrograde arrives, slow down a bit on career matters, as confusion and scheduling issues are more likely if you’re not being cautious.

Mid-month is a good time to rethink your financial trajectory and gain more clarity on your long-term financial goals, especially during the cazimi of Mercury on August 18. The full moon the following day helps shed emotional baggage that might be preventing you from embracing true abundance, so rewrite your narratives and let go of limiting beliefs.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

If you’re involved in a business partnership or joint venture, don’t wait. Mars is in your partnership sector all month, motivating you to get up and start what needs to be done.

Venus is also adorning your ambitious tenth house for most of the month, giving you the power to make a great impression on people at work — yes, even with Mercury retrograde mixing up some signals. Your professional efforts will really improve when Virgo season starts on August 22, so start digging into the details of how you can steer your career in a more financially smart direction.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Mercury retrograde begins in the first week of August, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tick off some financial tasks from your to-do list. Motivating Mars is in your productivity sector all month, so if you need to pay some bills or adjust your daily spending habits, you’ll have the stamina to start making changes.

The full moon on August 19 brings financial issues into the cosmic spotlight for you, and you might need to navigate through some curveballs and challenges to get back on track with your plans. Think outside the box when it comes to achieving your financial goals.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Mercury retrograde begins with the new moon on August 4, so the coming weeks are a good time to revisit any lingering financial embarrassments you might have pushed to the back burner. Commit to addressing any debt you’ve acquired and, if someone owes you money, make sure to follow up with that person.

An intense full moon peaks in your sign on August 19, asking you to face the parts of yourself you might not feel completely comfortable with. Focus on letting go of narratives that make you believe you deserve less than true abundance. Once Virgo season begins a few days later, set stronger boundaries around spending to keep your bank account in good shape.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Leo season is activating the responsibility zone of your chart, and the new moon on August 4 is a fabulous time to organize your daily expenses and implement better spending habits. Watch out for obstacles in your schedule that might throw you off your game as mid-month approaches, as Mercury retrograde will be mixing up some signals.

Once Virgo season begins on August 22, it’s a good time to partner with someone on a business venture or other professional project. But if you need to sign any money-related contracts or commit to something high-risk, wait until the retrograde ends on August 28 to set things in stone.

Source: Bustle

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