Here’s your horoscope for August

Here’s your horoscope for August
Photo: Unsplash

August will be intense and full of twists. The new moon in Leo on August 4 brings fun and courage to prioritize yourself. Be authentic and generous, as Venus in Virgo on August 5 favors kindness. Mercury retrograde in Virgo on the same day demands self-acceptance.

On August 14, with Mercury in Leo, release unrealistic expectations. The full moon in Aquarius on August 19 may shake your confidence, but stay calm. The Virgo season on August 22 brings realism and patience. On August 28, Mercury moves forward in Leo, promoting clarity in communication, and Venus in Libra on August 29 favors mediation and charm.

Your Astrological Forecast for August 2024

Check out your horoscope for August 2024!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Embrace a new beginning in your love life, but don’t let dating take up too much of your time. Focusing on your work responsibilities should be your main goal this month. But quality is better than speed, Aries. Rushing through tasks without precision can lead to careless mistakes that cost you time.

You’ll want to avoid drama under the full moon in Aquarius, arriving on August 19. A difference of opinion will spark tensions in your community, and solutions won’t be immediately clear. Fortunately, Venus enters Libra on August 29 to help you mend your friendships.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The new moon in Leo starts changes and actions in your home life on August 4. Supporting a family member or hosting an extravagant dinner will keep you busy at the start of the month. Try not to worry during the planning or cleaning process. Spending time with loved ones should be fun, not stressful.

Reconsider whether you’re getting the same pleasure from your hobbies. New work priorities or an unexpected crush on a coworker may reignite your outdated routine.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Popular and expressive, you continue to make people laugh with your natural charm. Approach everyone with warmth and friendliness, and leave a good and lasting impression in all settings.

You’ll be grateful you did when misunderstandings arise. As a result, people will see your good intentions and might not blame you as harshly.

Home improvements may become increasingly stressful as the month progresses. Take a break and resume your projects during the clean and efficient Virgo season, starting on August 22.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Lack of communication presents challenges in August. Make sure you are clear on others’ instructions and avoid making assumptions.

A flashy purchase may give you temporary satisfaction — and long-term regret. Don’t spend money to impress people.

You might not know who to turn to when your emotional storms develop, especially if you’re involved in disputes with friends. Don’t panic! As the month ends, you’ll find comfort and security through your family.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You’re always the star, Leo, but this is especially true this August. Make your presence known and take pride in your appearance. Extravagant wardrobe updates will make you unforgettable. But beware: standing out for the wrong reasons will force you to reconsider your style and behavior.

Your expenses will become a bigger concern. Order and discipline are needed to ensure you don’t blow your budget before winter ends.

While tending to other priorities in your life, don’t ignore signs that you and your partner are out of sync.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This month, you’re reflecting on what makes you feel alive. Self-reflection will remind you that you are more powerful than you realize. Be courageous and doors will open for you. Consider how you can improve in certain areas, but don’t dwell on your shortcomings in the process. No one is perfect, but everyone has their strengths — find yours.

Let the wisdom gained during this period of reflection inspire you to reinvent yourself. The end of the month is the perfect time to do this, as the sun emerges in your zodiac sign on August 22. Strive for harmony in your life and live according to your values.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your charisma and confidence are attracting attention, and bright opportunities are coming your way. Show that you are reliable and people will push you into leadership roles. Try not to overthink hypothetical problems; don’t let what went wrong in the past make you live in fear of the future.

A crucial moment in your love life or career might not go as expected. The Virgo season arrives on August 22; use the end of the month as an opportunity to heal, reflect, and restore your strength.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Bold, dignified, and courageous, you’re presenting yourself to the world as the best version of yourself at the beginning of August. Don’t try to put on a show; be real and you’ll attract positive attention.

The bothersome Mercury retrograde on August 5 forces you to revisit certain dreams that haven’t materialized. This will be especially true for your career goals in the days leading up to August 14, when Mercury retrogrades back into Leo.

Pay attention to the friends who are with you during this chapter. Drama emerges close to home as the month ends. Mediate and repair your relationships with care.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

August brings new visions and ambitions. Follow your instincts to travel, learn, and explore. Energize a crowd with a motivational or philosophical speech. Share your passions and inspiration wherever you go. People are relying on your direction.

But don’t let a difficult chapter shake your confidence. You are worthy, even if you don’t have all the answers. The end of Mercury retrograde, on August 28, will restore your self-confidence.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You’ll express your love in August, Capricorn, by sharing words of wisdom. Show your empathy, support, and patience. However, be careful not to offer your opinion when you don’t have enough information.

On August 5, Mercury retrograde forces you to revisit a past judgment. Keep an eye on your spending and savings. You might be surprised at how quickly small purchases have added up.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Celebrate love, Aquarius. Quality time with your favorite people will rejuvenate you with passion and enthusiasm. Strengthen your bond by meeting their needs. Others’ problems are often easier to navigate than your own. But consider this: are you avoiding the mess in your own life by fixing others’?

In mid-August, you’ll reflect on how much loyalty and commitment your relationships have. Do you feel seen and appreciated? Express your evolving values and desires. Don’t leave people guessing.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Spice up your rituals and routines. Working hard doesn’t have to be boring. A sweet treat in the morning or skating in your free time will add color and vitality to your gray days.

Your desire to help your partner is admirable, but don’t take too much control and avoid any criticism. Instead, help them see their own potential by offering encouragement and inspiration.

Source: Bustle

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