Winter is coming to an end, but some astrological cycles that may change your life are just beginning. On September 17, a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces will appear in the sky, just a few days before the spring equinox announces a new season.
Also known as the Harvest Moon, the brightest full moon of September is supercharged with extra intensity due to its eclipse status and has some useful observations reserved for all zodiac signs.
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Continue reading to see your lunar eclipse horoscope.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
This eclipse may bring some secrets to the surface or some subconscious feelings up, forcing you to take a break from your usual routine and sit with whatever is weighing on your soul. While spiritual matters can be a bit nebulous at times—requiring more intuition than physical senses—your job isn’t necessarily to figure out your next steps just yet. Listen to what comes up and trust that things will unfold over time.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
If you’ve learned anything from Charli XCX and Lorde’s “Girl, so confused” moment this winter, it’s that friendships can be complicated sometimes, and group dynamics aren’t always easy to navigate. Under this lunar eclipse, there may be some new details emerging about your team—and even if some things aren’t exactly as you thought they were, your sense of identity won’t be shaken. You’re a pillar in your squad amidst uncertain times.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Your career and professional reputation are at play under this eclipse, Gemini, and you might finally receive some news that clarifies something you’ve been waiting for—whether it’s a new job you were seeking or a major project that was pending. Just be cautious of mixed signals and ask for clarifications as needed, as the nebulous Neptune may cast confusion over the information coming your way.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Open your eyes, mind, and heart to new ways of thinking, Cancer. This eclipse is hitting your adventurous ninth house, encouraging you to connect with some of your life philosophies and maybe even start embracing some new ones. Every situation can be seen through a million different lenses, and there’s probably a glimpse of truth in each of them, so don’t limit yourself to the one you’re most comfortable with.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
A financial blessing may be coming your way under this eclipse, Leo—whether it’s money someone owed you or just a timely gift. Either way, invest wisely, as Neptune’s nebulous influence on this lunation can make it hard to see your decisions with crystal-clear clarity. For now, it’s best to sit back and observe what’s changing in your world, both in relationships and finances.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The full moon eclipse is sitting directly opposite the sun in your sign, bringing some serious revelations in your relationships. Fateful conversations about future commitments with a current partner could mark the start of a new chapter in love or even business. It may be difficult to see people’s intentions clearly, but do your best to be realistic about your part in any agreements. All you can control is yourself.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
If there are some basic life maintenance tasks you’ve been avoiding—whether it’s an appointment you know you should make or an important project that should have been completed a long time ago—this lunar eclipse might provide the push you need to get things done. Take responsibility and start managing the things that need your attention before a small pile turns into a mountain.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
What has been stopping you from embracing your free-spirited creative side, Scorpio? You tend to keep your cards close to your chest, but this lunar eclipse asks you to work with some of the baggage holding you back from expressing your unique visions in a way others can connect with. If you’re hit with a burst of inspiration—or suddenly realize what’s been stopping you from doing things that bring you joy—go for it.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
If family secrets have been hidden in the corners of your heart and home, you may find that this lunar eclipse asks you to bring some things to light. Of course, emotionally charged topics can be hard to see clearly—especially under the powerful energy of an eclipse—but airing out the skeletons in the closet could be the first step towards healing. Your heart deserves a comfortable place to land.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
The way you share your ideas with the world is changing now, Capricorn, and you’re about to embark on a journey that allows you to explore self-expression in a new way. You might find that this eclipse brings sudden news involving the people around you, or it could lead you to finally speak out about something you didn’t think you’d dare to say. Stay true to your feelings and don’t be afraid to speak the truth.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
It’s time to get realistic about your financial situation, Aquarius. Have there been cash flow issues you’ve been putting on the back burner? Perhaps some self-doubt has prevented you from pursuing financial abundance in the way you knew you could? This eclipse is the beginning of some new stories about your relationship with money—but before you can start fresh, you might need to clear space and make room for growth.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You may be a dreamy Pisces, but that doesn’t mean you should walk around with your head in the clouds. This is the first eclipse to hit your sign in over seven years, and it’s here to start realigning you with your destiny. No big deal, right? Be prepared to shed some old skins and let go of some of the illusions you’ve been holding onto as a way to avoid reality. You don’t need to live in a fantasy to create the life of your dreams.
Source: Bustle
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