Impact of August’s Blue Supermoon on Your Zodiac Sign: What to Expect?

Impact of August's Blue Supermoon on Your Zodiac Sign: What to Expect
Photo: Unsplash

This month’s full moon is traditionally nicknamed the Blue Supermoon and rises on August 19th, serving as the dramatic closing act of Leo season.

The fierce and fiery vibrations of this astrological season have brought winter to its peak, and August’s Blue Supermoon is definitely a troublemaker — it’s confusing, rebellious, but also empowering. Despite some intense planetary tensions reaching their climax, it will give all zodiac signs the motivation they need to make much-needed changes in their lives in the name of authenticity and growth.

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The Sturgeon Full Moon in August will shake things up for these 2 zodiac signs

Here’s how your zodiac sign will be impacted by August’s Blue Supermoon.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Is your community lifting you up or are some people in your circle dimming your light? You might feel suffocated by certain elements of your social group right now, which leads you to make changes and set some boundaries. If you’re getting frenemy vibes from someone or feeling bad about being yourself, take a step back and consider why that is. Maybe you can take responsibility for some of it, but if it’s all on the other person, give yourself some distance.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It may feel like you’re swimming against the current in terms of your career right now, as pressures are building at home and in your professional life. But under this Blue Moon, it’s time to make some changes. Trying to be someone you’re not day after day is exhausting, and while work may require some code-switching, it’s important that your authenticity shines through in everything you do. Add a little more color and creativity to your professional life and see what happens.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It’s good to know what you believe in, but don’t let dogmatic ideals cloud your ability to connect with people. Nothing is black and white, and while it’s easy to think you’re right about certain things (especially when you’re a Gemini obsessed with information!), everyone has their unique perspective. How boring would life be if everyone thought the same way you do? Keep an open mind and listen before reacting.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Do you have clarity on what makes you comfortable, Cancer, or do you often find yourself setting boundaries after they’ve been crossed? Your personal boundaries should be defined by no one’s needs but your own — and it’s okay if sometimes your needs and boundaries don’t align with what someone else wants from you. Under this Blue Moon, focus on connecting with your vulnerable side and raising some protective walls if needed.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This is your season to shine, Leo, but this Blue Moon is an important time to work on your relationships too! Unexpected curveballs at work may cause tension with a partner, and Mercury retrograde in your sign could stir up some misunderstandings. Instead of losing your cool, use this as a moment to reflect on your behavior. How are you doing in your relationships? What can you do to create more openness and communication with those close to you?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It might be time to shake up your routine a bit, Virgo — otherwise, the universe might do it for you! This Blue Moon is bringing some responsibilities to the forefront, forcing you to restructure your time and priorities to get things done. Instead of letting the chaos of the full moon overwhelm you, embrace it as an opportunity to refresh your daily routine and try out some new ways of being productive.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

If you’re stuck in a creative or romantic rut, it’s time to shift your perspective and seek inspiration in new and unusual places. The full moon in the air sign Aquarius is pushing you to think outside the box in dating, passion projects, and all other matters of the heart. An exciting spark of love or magic could be waiting outside your comfort zone — so don’t miss it because you were too scared to try something radical.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This full moon is packed with all the feelings, Scorpio, and the planetary storms are likely to be felt within your heart. This lunation hits one of the closest-to-home parts of your chart, bringing family issues or difficult memories to the forefront. Everyone’s feeling more emotional right now, so don’t take it personally if your loved ones are acting a little out of character. The only person you can control is yourself, and now is a great time to show up for yourself in an especially mindful way.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

As a fiery Sagittarius, you definitely know how to speak your mind — and despite Mercury retrograde mixing things up in terms of communication, this Blue Moon is a good time to speak a little more of your truth. You might find that you need to put some of your ideas into practice and let people know where you stand on things, so don’t be afraid to ruffle feathers or go against the grain. You know what you believe in, and you have every right to share your stance.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

As a cool-headed Capricorn, you’re usually pretty traditional in how you handle your financial situation. But under this full moon, you might feel inspired to make some changes. Whether that means seeking out some new, unconventional investments or stepping out of your comfort zone to discuss a raise with your boss, be open to trying new things and diversifying your income streams. You don’t have to make any sudden moves, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put out feelers.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The intensity of this Blue Moon is undoubtedly hitting you harder, Aquarius, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a few identity crises brewing. Unexpected dramas from your past are mixing with current relationship obstacles, swirling your feelings into a big ball of tension. But think of this as your cosmic challenge to breathe deeply into yourself and find your authenticity. Sometimes, moments of confusion and crises are also when you can get most in touch with your truth.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Something might feel a bit off under this Blue Moon, Pisces, but you’ll likely need to do some inner searching to figure out how to resolve it. You’ve had your hands full with Mercury retrograde drama over the past few weeks, so your mind and body are begging for a break. As a creative and sensitive Pisces, you feel best when you’re in touch with your dreamy side and let your imagination wander — so create some restorative moments of solitude. This will likely bring the answers you’re seeking.

Source: Bustle

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