May’s new moon could be the most powerful of 2024

Photo: Alexandro David

After a month with a solar eclipse, a turbulent Mercury retrograde period, and a chaotic full moon in Aries, it will be a great relief to have a calm new moon in Taurus, for a change. This lunar phase arrives on Wednesday, May 8th, at 00:21.

“This new moon is very promising because its ruling planet, Venus – representing love, harmony, money, and creativity – is well positioned in your natal sign, Taurus,” says Evan Nathaniel Grim, an expert in horoscopes and astrology. “It’s also gearing up for an incredibly fortunate full moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, which will feature a Jupiter-Venus conjunction at the 29th degree of Taurus.”

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According to astrology, whenever two benefics like Venus and Jupiter meet, it can attract more abundance into your life, open doors to new opportunities, and give you the necessary perspective to amplify the success you already have, says Grim. ICYMI, benefics are celestial bodies that have a positive influence, while malefics like Mars and Saturn are known to cause problems.

Thanks to these positive planetary movements, this new moon will be like a breath of fresh air and will also have the ingredients for some quite powerful manifestations. What you set in motion on May 8th will stay with you through the next full moon and beyond, so see how you can make the most of it.

The spiritual significance of May’s new moon

As this new moon is in Taurus, it is infused with the stable and solid energy of the earth sign of the zodiac, and, according to Grim, it can help you feel more satisfied with your life. Instead of feeling caught in a spinning cycle, you can look around and appreciate what is already happening.

That said, it could also inspire some changes. “This is a lunation cycle where people are realizing what their true priorities and values are,” he says. “This is helping them attract other people who are aligned with those values.”

Taurus also values the beauty of the natural world, so May 8th and the days leading up to it can be a time when you reconnect with yourself and with the Earth, disconnecting from distractions. “It’s a return to form and simplicity,” says Grim.

By taking stock of all the good things in your life, think about how you can strengthen them in the future. As Grim says, this is the luckiest lunation cycle of 2024, so it’s the best time to manifest.

“Taurus governs our personal values and the value of our personal belongings,” he says. “And given Jupiter’s involvement in the upcoming full moon, this new moon can be a catalyst for the manifestation of an abundance of what we value.”

This lunation is super powerful for these four signs

When this new lunar cycle begins on May 8th, it promises to bring with it a sense of new beginnings for all 12 signs of the zodiac. Since this is the first new moon after the solar eclipse, it’s also the ideal time to set things in motion, such as long-term goals.

“New moons mark new beginnings and the start of a new cycle of growth,” says Grim. “New moons are metaphorically the time when we plant the seeds and the plant begins to grow.” Then, about two weeks later, when the full moon arrives, your proverbial plants begin to bloom, and your intentions are fully realized during the brightest and brightest lunation.

“There’s also a broader six-month cycle that covers any new moon because that’s the period of time between new moons and full moons occurring within the same sign,” says Grim. “In this case, there’s a full moon in Taurus on November 15th, which would mark the final culmination of the intentions you set during this upcoming new moon.”

The fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius – are in the best position to set intentions and really see them come to fruition during this lunar cycle. “This is because their placements are in a challenging aspect to the new moon, triggering decisive action,” says Grim. “It’s particularly auspicious for anyone with placements between 15 and 23 degrees of these signs.”

How to work with the energy of this moon

To make the most of the May 8th new moon, Grim recommends checking in with yourself and jotting down exactly what you hope to attract. “Since Taurus belongs to the sensory world, make sure to engage all five senses when visualizing the opportunities you seek,” he says.

If you hope to manifest a new job, imagine what you would wear, what it would be like to walk into work on the first day, and what you would hear or say. If you hope to manifest a new car, ask yourself what it would smell or look like and really picture it in your mind.

“Taurus, as an earth sign, appreciates specificity and concrete details,” says Grim. “Of course, it doesn’t have to be materialistic. For example, someone could set the intention to write a moving piece of music or develop a deeper connection with nature.” Whatever you hope to have more of in life, manifest it during May’s new moon.

Source: Bustle

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