Prayer of Saint Anthony to find lost objects

Prayer of Saint Anthony to find lost objects. Photo: pexels
Prayer of Saint Anthony to find lost objects. Photo: pexels

Don’t know what to do anymore to find a lost object? The solution has arrived! Often in the disorder of everyday life, we can’t find some things just when we need them most.

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Whether because we didn’t keep them in the usual place, or because someone else put them away, or even because we stored them so well that we ourselves don’t remember the place. Usually, people ask Saint Longuinho to help them find lost objects, but did you know that the true “finder” saint is Saint Anthony?

In this article, we will teach you how to make the request to Saint Longuinho and also the prayer of Saint Anthony to find lost objects.


In some places like Brazil, popular belief tells you to call Saint Longuinho when you want to find something lost, making the request:

Saint Longuinho, Saint Longuinho, if you help me find (name of the object), I will jump three times”.

Upon finding the lost object, the faithful must give the promised 3 jumps.

But in reality, very little is known about Saint Longuinho (or Saint Longinus, as he is also known). It is known that he lived in Cappadocia and his image is of a soldier holding a spear, or with open arms holding a chalice. Here in Brazil, we have decided to invoke him (and often as an exclusive function) to help find lost objects.

However, another saint who can also help us in the moment of affliction to find things that hide from our eyes is Saint Anthony. It is no secret to anyone that he is good at finding, isn’t he the one who finds a boyfriend/girlfriend for his devotees? So, at the moment of urgency to find something lost, besides Saint Longuinho, you can also pray to Saint Anthony.


Saint Anthony

Make the sign of the cross and pray with great faith:

“I salute you, glorious Saint Anthony, faithful protector of those who hope in you. Since you received from God the special power to find lost objects, help me at this moment, so that, through your assistance, I find the object I am looking for (Say the name of the object).Above all, grant me a living faith, a firm hope, a burning charity and a docility always ready to the desires of God. May I not only focus on the things of this world. May I value and use them as something that has been lent to us and strive above all for those things that no thief can snatch from us and we will never lose. Amen.”

Source: We Mystic

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