Gemini and Sagittarius, this could be one of the best pairs of the zodiac, if each one respects the necessary spaces for both.
There are many things in common between these two signs: love for movement and travel, the need for freedom, passion for matters of the mind and intellect, a lively social life filled with parties, gatherings, and cultural outings.
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If they feel comfortable, they could even embark on a relationship where one gives enough space to the other to enjoy other passions, what some call an “open relationship”.
However, this only happens if there are no other aspects in the birth chart of both that manifest jealousy and feelings of possession, which is really quite difficult.
The two are opposite signs and therefore complementary.
With a little patience, which is not characteristic of either sign, they can complement each other in the differences, which are not few.
Gemini is an intellectual and superficial sign.
While Sagittarius delves into topics of the higher mind, the Universe, and spirituality.
While Gemini seeks social superficiality and a sense of the world of fashion, Sagittarius is concerned with the deeper states of mind and consciousness, which can provide answers to the origin of man.
Sagittarius likes to delve into studies, loves knowledge of various subjects, is philosophical and religious, and this could tire the adolescent spirit of Gemini a little.
In bed, this pair could be unbeatable, as both value freedom of expression, especially the intimate.
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