Sign Compatibility – Capricorn and Libra

Zodiac Sign Compatibility – Capricorn and Libra. Photo: Pixabay
Zodiac Sign Compatibility – Capricorn and Libra. Photo: Pixabay

Libra and Capricorn, despite belonging to incompatible elements, as Libra is a child of air and Capricorn of earth, have some common points, especially their love for social rules and traditions which they like to follow for greater security and being part of a larger and stable system.

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Find out which signs match best among all the zodiac signs: Capricorn and Libra

Libra is sociable and makes friends easily.

In fact, for a Libra to feel happy, they need to be surrounded by friends and people who, even without deep knowledge, are part of their social circle.

Libra’s taste for social life and ease of contact with all kinds of people can be very interesting for the shy and reserved Capricorn.

But it can also be a point of conflict after some time in a relationship.

Libra is sociable and likes people.

Capricorn loves solitude and needs, from time to time, to be in their corner, reserved within themselves.

No social excesses for our almost antisocial Capricornian, as this sign does not like exposure.

Certainly, their professional projects will leap through the important contacts Libra will make and maintain.

However, a couple’s life is not made of social contacts, and this is where the relationship may start to have problems.

Libra may seem frivolous to Capricorn when they try to delve into more concrete matters.

Capricorn is a sign of people who, for the most part, are born emotionally mature, and Libra can be an eternal teenager, with their tastes for image and superficiality.

Libra will try, in every way, to convince them that culture and fashion can become big business.

And if our Capricornian friend is convinced of this, they might even turn a meter of fabric into one of the country’s largest industries.

Capricorn has the Midas touch, not by luck, but by an excess of reality and effort expended in life.

The relationship, over time, may suffer from a lack of romance, as Libra is absolutely mental and Capricorn very practical.

Time and a taste for tradition will be great allies for this couple, as Saturn rules one and co-rules the other.

With a little goodwill, this strange relationship can find many points in common. In bed, tradition and refinement will prevail, as well as elegance and good taste.

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