Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – September 2024

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – September 2024
Photo: Unsplash

On September 17, 2024, a Lunar Eclipse will occur alongside a Supermoon, creating a rare and special Supermoon Lunar Eclipse!

This will be a partial eclipse, meaning that we will still be able to see the Moon shining brightly in the night sky. Take a moment to observe the Moon in all its strength – what message is she conveying to you?

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Falling at 23 degrees in the sign of Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse carries the energy of endings and new beginnings. Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, shows us this in our experience: something may come to an end, or we may gain clarity on issues that were previously unclear. Alternatively, we might reach a point of completion, recognizing the full cycle of everything we have been going through.

Lunar eclipses tend to close situations that we have difficulty ending on our own. Sometimes these endings are already expected and merely guide us toward the path we were ready to follow. However, in some cases, they can bring unexpected endings that transform our lives in surprising ways.

Since this is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, one of the softer types of eclipses we can experience, it is likely that the conclusions we face have been foreseen for some time. Moreover, any new beginnings are likely to be tied to the closing of cycles, even if the transition feels uncomfortable at first.

It is important to remember that these phenomena always bring predestined events and place us exactly where we need to be, even if we don’t fully understand it right away.

The Emotional Energy of Pisces

Pisces, being a water sign, may cause us to feel more emotional and sensitive during this time. Whatever unfolds under this eclipse can trigger a deep and slow healing process, requiring patience as things regenerate. The energy of Pisces works within the deeper layers of our being, and this may give the impression that everything that happens will take time to be processed and understood.

Welcome to a New Eclipse Cycle

The eclipse cycle is determined by the position of the Lunar Nodes. Since 2023, the Nodes have been in Aries and Libra, bringing eclipses in those signs. However, this September Eclipse falls in Pisces, placing us in a transition phase between the Aries-Libra and Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycles.

This new cycle, which will officially begin next year, gives us a preview of what’s to come. The last time we experienced the Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle was from November 2015 to May 2017. You may reflect on that time to identify themes that could resurface in an evolved manner now. While it won’t be a repetition of past events, we may reach a new level of awareness regarding what happened during that period.

This eclipse is connected to those that occurred in March and April of this year, but it is more of an introduction to the new Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle, which will last until February 2027. Eclipses in these signs often bring up issues related to health, well-being, and spirituality, while also encouraging organization and attention to detail. It is also a highly creative cycle, fostering innovation and new visions.

A Super Lunar Eclipse: Portal to the Divine

Supermoons occur when the Moon is closest to Earth, amplifying its effects. Although this is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, the presence of the Supermoon gives us a strong boost of lunar energy.

The Moon represents our feelings of safety and protection, but under an eclipse, we may feel vulnerable or exposed. Our sense of security may be challenged in some way, prompting us to question our emotional stability.

With the energy of Pisces, this is the perfect time to trust in our intuition. That calm, soft inner voice can guide us, providing strength and security. Strengthen your spiritual connection and remember that we are all interconnected, with a divine plan at work.

Having a Supermoon alongside this phenomenon is a rare and magical combination of lunar energies, offering a powerful opportunity to work with this surge. Full moons, especially Supermoons, have the power to bring out what we need to release. So, use this moment to access your intuition and let go of everything that no longer serves you.

After this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, we will have a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, which will be more intense and felt more strongly. Prepare for this next phase and stay tuned for what it will bring!

Source: Forever Conscious

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