La saison des éclipses est de retour, apportant une éclipse lunaire totale le 14 mars dans le signe de la Vierge.
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The full moon lunar eclipse in March will be dramatic for these 3 zodiac signs
The eclipse season is back, bringing a total lunar eclipse on March 14 in the sign of Virgo.
Read MoreLa Pleine Lune de février sera dramatique pour 3 signes du zodiaque
Le point culminant lunaire de ce mois-ci agite l’atmosphère cosmique juste avant la Saint-Valentin, car la pleine lune atteint son apogée le 12 février dans le signe fougueux et ardent du Lion.
Read MoreThe Full Moon of February Will Be Dramatic for 3 Zodiac Signs
This month’s lunar climax is shaking up the cosmic atmosphere just before Valentine’s Day, as the full moon reaches its peak on February 12 in the fierce and fiery sign of Leo.
Read MoreCe jour de la Saint-Valentin sera un pur chaos astrologique
Cupidon prépare son arc et ses flèches, et les étagères des magasins sont remplies d’articles en forme de cœur – vous savez donc déjà que la Saint-Valentin approche.
Read MoreThis Valentine’s Day Will Be Pure Astrological Chaos
Cupid is getting his bow and arrow ready, and store shelves are filled with heart-shaped items of all kinds – so you already know Valentine’s Day is approaching.
Read More5 Zodiac Signs That Feel Uncomfortable Talking About Their Emotions
When it comes to emotions, not everyone feels comfortable sharing what they are feeling at the moment. Some people talk openly about their feelings, while others avoid having those conversations.
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