From the early morning of August 4th until August 28th, the planet of communication, Mercury, will be retrograding, causing all kinds of logistical setbacks and misunderstandings as it retraces its recent steps through the zodiac.
Read MoreMercury Retrograde
3 Zodiac Signs That Can Relax During August’s Mercury Retrograde
If you’re experiencing some brain fog or feeling like your timing is a bit off, you can officially blame Mercury retrograde.
Read MoreThese 3 Rituals Will Help You Get Through Mercury Retrograde
Winter is about to receive a small dose of cosmic chaos, and that’s because Mercury retrograde starts just after midnight Eastern Time on August 5.
Read MoreHow Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign from August 5 to 14, 2024
Mercury will be retrograde from August 5 and direct on August 28. The planet of communication will first be retrograde in the sign of Virgo before re-entering Leo on the 14th.
Read More3 zodiac signs are being most impacted by Mercury retrograde
As if April Fools’ Day wasn’t bad enough on its own, Mercury retrograde began on April 1st in the aggressive sign of Aries. This occasional backslide occurs when Mercury appears to align its orbit with that of Earth.
Read MoreGet ready for chaos, because Mercury retrograde is back
The stars are looking really chaotic right now. Aries season made everyone feel connected and ready for action, the recent eclipse turned everyone’s life upside down, and now? It’s Mercury Retrograde time!
Read More5 zodiac signs will fare well financially during April’s Mercury retrograde
During the month of April, with Mercury retrograde exerting its influence, many zodiac signs may find themselves amidst financial challenges and obstacles.
Read MoreDer rückläufige Merkur ist angekommen und hat eine große energetische Veränderung mitgebracht, erfahren Sie alles darüber!
Er ist auf dem Weg, Ihnen bei der Lösung dessen zu helfen, was Sie schon seit geraumer Zeit klären wollen. Wer? Der rückläufige Merkur! Ja, in nur einem Tag beginnt diese intensive Zeit des Jahres erneut! Sind Sie bereit?
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