Water signs have a natural boundary between practical and emotional life, a direct access to the realm of the invisible, which is naturally profound, up to the most sensitive of human dimensions, sensitivity.
They are the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, each in their own way, or people who have important planets in the houses they represent.
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Here are the three most sensitive zodiac signs and their characteristics:
Cancer or 4th house
Cancerians or people who have important planets in the 4th house of their charts have great ease in accessing everything related to the past: family and ancestral issues, contact with people who were part of their families and have passed away or even intuitions related to ancient civilizations and people who were part of them. Cancerians have a natural sixth sense: their premonitions can be frequent. See more characteristics of the Cancer sign here.
Scorpio or 8th house
Scorpios or people who have important planets in the 8th house of their charts have a deep connection with personal hells and those of people who they can connect more easily. They have immense ease in accessing difficult psychic processes and traumas, whether they are from this or other lives, and by bringing them to light, transforming them. They have the gift of connecting with human shadows of this or other dimensions. They deal very easily with spirits and denser, difficult energies. See more characteristics of the Scorpio sign here.
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Pisces or 12th house
Pisceans live immersed in personal and others’ emotional processes. Empathy is one of their greatest and best characteristics, and it is usually through it that they can make a connection with the pain of anyone they connect with. They have immense ease in penetrating processes that involve past lives or traumatic emotional pasts. They can penetrate the field of personal and collective energies. See more characteristics of the Pisces sign here.
The least sensitive signs
On the other hand, there are some signs that are known for their rudeness and lack of tact, and among them, without a shadow of a doubt, are the air and fire signs. Often impulsive and with great difficulty in being in touch with their emotions, they feel a strong difficulty in accessing the sensitive world.