The Olympic Category You Should Watch, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The Olympic Category You Should Watch, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Photo: Unsplash

If you’re not sure what to watch first, consider your zodiac sign. It’s an easy way to focus on the most appealing Olympic events for your personality, and it’s a lot more fun than aimlessly scrolling through Peacock. According to astrologer Stina Garbis, the Olympics are “so astrological.”

Each sign aligns perfectly with a sport, she says, almost as if it were meant to be. Depending on your zodiac sign, you might be drawn to the rhythm of an event, the backstories, the team dynamics, or the specific skills needed to win gold.

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Fire signs are most likely to love fast-paced team sports, while Earth signs would have more fun watching individual events that require mental endurance. Air signs are all about high-octane games, while Water signs will watch anything as long as there’s a juicy backstory. According to Garbis, your constellation or sign symbol may also play a role.

Keep reading below to discover the perfect Olympic sport for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries should watch all the rugby games from now on. As a fire sign ruled by the driven Mars and represented by the ram, you’ll love the pure courage and determination that players need to push the defenders — called flankers — to score a try.

Rugby is violent and tumultuous, so you’ll be obsessed in no time.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As an Earth sign ruled by Venus, you’ll be captivated by the beauty and elegance of equestrian events. There are dressage, jumping, and eventing competitions, many of which take place in front of the stunning Palace of Versailles, also known as Taurus’s dream aesthetic.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

No one needs to remind a Gemini to tune in to Brazilian women’s gymnastics. As a friendly Air sign, you love the synchronicity between them, as well as the fact that celebrities were spotted in the crowd during qualifying rounds, like Snoop Dogg, who was seen watching with his parents. These girls are the biggest names in the sport, and you’re already proud and cheering them on.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers are looking for meaningful stories in these Olympics, like Celine Dion’s performance at the opening of the Olympic Games or Gabriel Medina’s near-perfect 10. As an emotional Water sign, consider inviting friends to watch with you so you can cheer together.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, as a fire sign ruled by the sun, you’ll be living for all things athletics, especially the breathtaking 200-meter races and the sweat-inducing relays. As soon as the starting gun goes off, you’ll be riveted with attention as the runners seemingly defy physics with their speed.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Nothing attracts Virgo’s heart like archery. This sport requires focus, mental endurance, and precision. As an Earth sign that loves perfection, it really hits all your marks.

Expect to learn about athletes shooting their arrows between heartbeats, so the rhythm doesn’t throw off their shots. You might also spend some time thinking about wind speeds.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, don’t miss the artistic swimming events this winter. Formerly known as synchronized swimming, the sport involves dancing and being extravagant in sparkly costumes — all things that will appeal to your air sign modes ruled by Venus.

It also requires an incredible amount of endurance, strength, and skill that will impress you. As a sign represented by the scales, you’ll love that the swimmers’ routines are perfectly balanced and synchronized.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It makes sense that, as a Water sign, you would be drawn to swimming events at the Olympics. But what really attracts you are the breathtaking finish line photos and the looks on athletes’ faces when they come up for air and realize they’ve broken a record.

Scorpios love winning as much as they love crying, and that’s why the Olympics always get you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

While some are at the Olympic Village in Paris, France, surfers are on a cruise ship in Tahiti. They’re at a place called Teahupo’o, which boasts some of the biggest waves in the world, and it’s everything you could want as an adventurous Sagittarius.

With eight 30-minute heats, surfers are paddling, catching waves, and hoping to progress to the next round.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Nothing screams “Olympics” like an exhausting triathlon, and that’s perfect for you as a courageous and hardworking Capricorn. There’s also a mixed relay version, where they team up for shorter bursts.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

While everyone else is watching popular events like gymnastics and swimming, you’ll be flipping through the games looking for lesser-known events, like sport climbing. As an eccentric Aquarius, you enjoy seeing what’s happening behind the scenes and also like giving a little love to the underdogs.

There’s speed climbing, where athletes race up a 15-meter indoor rock wall as fast as possible, with some reaching the top in just five seconds, as well as bouldering, where they navigate tough climbs.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, you should watch Olympic sports that focus on people working together, like beach volleyball. As an empathetic Water sign, you’ll be biting your nails whenever there’s a close point. The fun vibes might also inspire you to join a local league yourself this winter.

Source: Bustle

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