The Spiritual Meaning of the Blood Moon Eclipse in March

The spiritual meaning of the blood moon eclipse in March
The spiritual meaning of the blood moon eclipse in March

This month’s full moon is set to be a big one, as it happens to be a total lunar eclipse, and it is also the last lunation of the summer season in the Southern Hemisphere.

Rising during the early hours of March 14, this full moon inaugurates the first eclipse season of the year, as it is followed by a solar eclipse two weeks later.

Everyone is being plunged into the intense energetic spiral of sudden changes, realizations, and rapid shifts that these biannual periods are known for. Lunar eclipses hold the power of multiple full moons combined, so connecting with the spiritual meaning of the Blood Moon eclipse in March can be beneficial for all zodiac signs.

Full moons are the culmination point of the monthly lunar cycle, occurring two weeks after the new moon when the sun and moon are opposite each other in the zodiac. But this month’s full moon is even more special, as it is also a total lunar eclipse. These powerful lunations occur when the full moon is positioned near the North or South Nodes—two lunar points in the zodiac associated with themes of growth, destiny, and spiritual purpose.

In January, the North and South Nodes entered the signs of Pisces and Virgo, respectively, for the first time in nearly two decades. This upcoming lunar eclipse near the South Node is the first of its kind to occur in Virgo since 2008. It marks the beginning of a new cycle that will continue unfolding over the next two years, so the events surrounding this eclipse may pave the way for significant changes in your life.

It’s time to sit back and let the cosmos take the wheel because the spiritual meaning of the March full moon eclipse is preparing you to make space for new growth—whether you feel ready for it or not. Keep reading to learn what to expect from this mystical eclipse energy.

The Meaning of the March Eclipse

According to the Almanac, the annual full moon of March is traditionally nicknamed the Blood Moon.

While summer’s energies are strongly associated with growth and rebirth, the spiritual meaning of this lunar eclipse has more to do with the process of purging the old and letting go of what no longer works in your life—essential steps if you want to make space for new things to take root!

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon on March 14

The eclipse is hitting Virgo territory, and this practical earth sign is associated with cleansing, order, and overall well-being. Full moons occurring here can help break bad habits or put an end to harmful cycles in general, but since this lunation is also aligning with the South Node of Destiny, which is oriented toward release, the situations being pulled out of your life may feel as if they are happening beyond your control.

During eclipse season, the universe is busy realigning you with your higher purpose, which may mean letting go of things that are inhibiting your spiritual growth.

Be willing to release things that no longer bring joy or serve your best interests.

Additionally, the Blood Moon eclipse will make a strong opposition to the planet Saturn, bringing some serious realizations about what no longer aligns with your path or creating a sense of restriction that forces you to cut unnecessary things from your daily life. You’ll know what feels right and what doesn’t now, so be willing to let go of anything you have outgrown rather than wasting energy holding on. Letting go isn’t easy, but the space and time that will be freed up will ultimately allow much more freedom to build something even better.

Working with Eclipse Energy

The total lunar eclipse on March 14 precedes the autumn equinox by just one week, so both Pisces season and summer are coming to an end right in the middle of this month’s eclipse portal. The autumn equinox also marks the beginning of Aries season and the astrological new year. The sun’s entry into Aries signals a new solar rotation through the zodiac. Because of this, you can think of the spiritual meaning of the March lunar eclipse as an intense soul-cleansing before spring.

With this in mind, the best way to work with this energy is to mentally prepare for a Marie-Kondo-level spiritual cleansing. Be willing to let go of things that no longer spark joy or serve your best interests. Is that relationship, job, effort, or stagnant-feeling situation really going to be useful someday? Or is it just taking up space?

Whether you consciously choose to cut things out or have to deal with the universe doing it for you, try to see the bright side, because Virgo’s keen eye for details and improvement is sweeping through all the corners and crevices of your life. Of course, the space left behind may feel vast and lonely at first—but you’ll soon discover that you can fill this new opening with your most visionary dreams.

Source: Bustle. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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