With the start of a new year, Mercury retrograde periods arrive, ready to shake up stagnant energy. This phenomenon, known for affecting communication, technology, planning, and logistics, is the most famous among planetary retrogrades and can significantly impact daily routines.
While most planets occasionally go retrograde, Mercury, due to its frequency—about three times a year—and its direct influence on daily life, stands out. During these periods, delays, confusion, and communication breakdowns are common, requiring patience and extra attention.
Each Mercury retrograde brings specific challenges influenced by the zodiac signs involved. In 2025, these retrogrades will mainly occur in fire signs, bringing impulsiveness and impatience, and occasionally in water signs, adding an emotional charge to the retrograde chaos.
Despite the frustrations, these periods are invitations to slow down, reflect, and adjust your course. Discover the details of the three Mercury retrogrades in 2025 and prepare to navigate these phases with more balance.
Mercury Retrograde: March 14 to April 7
The first of the year occurs between Aries and Pisces. From March 14 to 29, in Aries, an impulsive and energetic sign, patience will be hard to maintain amid delays and misunderstandings. Reflect before speaking and control your impulses.
From March 29, Mercury enters Pisces, an emotional and intuitive sign, making clarity in communication and logistics difficult. Avoid major decisions and sensitive conversations until April 7, when the planet resumes direct motion.
Mercury Retrograde: July 18 to August 11
In the height of summer, Mercury retrograde takes place entirely in Leo, a confident and creative fire sign. From July 18 to August 11, revisiting old projects or reigniting past romances can be productive, but starting something new will be challenging.
Be cautious with pride when dealing with mistakes or misunderstandings, and leave room in your planning to handle delays and unforeseen events.
Mercury Retrograde: November 9 to 29
The last Mercury retrograde of the year occurs in Sagittarius and Scorpio. Between November 9 and 18, in Sagittarius, focusing on details will be difficult. Double-check information and carefully review commitments.
From November 18, in Scorpio, the period may bring secrets or important information from the past to light. Use this energy to investigate and resolve unresolved mysteries.
With Thanksgiving at the end of this retrograde, plan travel in advance and choose your words carefully to avoid family tensions.
The Mercury retrogrades of 2025 may be challenging, but they are opportunities to reevaluate and redirect your life’s course. Be prepared and use these phases to your advantage!
Source: Bustle. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.