Virgo and Virgo: Can two strong and similar personalities work?

Virgo and Virgo: Can two strong and similar personalities work?
Virgo and Virgo: Can two strong and similar personalities work? Ilustração: / Condutta

Virgo and Virgo: Two strong and similar personalities can be a good match, but two Virgos together must know what they are getting into and can be very happy.

However, they must give up authoritarianism, bad moods, and the need to have the last word. Yes, because Virgo is one of the most authoritarian signs of the zodiac, if not the most. Everything must be done and executed in their own way, as their critical nature does not allow anything to be less than perfect.

Moreover, Virgos have serious difficulty connecting with the emotional world, both their own and that of the people around them.

They have habits that must be respected. They need to understand that they have great difficulty receiving and recognizing the good in their lives and in the lives of their loved ones, as their habits and constant need to criticize, observing imperfections in their surroundings and in people, ultimately destroy the efforts and qualities of the other.

Only a Virgo can fully understand the difficulties of another Virgo, and with tact and care, they can help each other with this neurotic habit, which can hinder the natural and spontaneous flow of a relationship.

Virgos have an almost submissive side, despite their authoritarian nature, as it is a sign of service, and for this reason, they love to serve. This relationship can work very well if boundaries are clearly established and there is plenty of goodwill and consensus, in addition to love, of course, which should be delicately shown, even if through actions rather than physical affection or words, which is a challenge for Virgo.

The need for organization and material achievement can be a positive aspect of this relationship. However, affection may be compromised, as Virgo is reserved, shy, and often even modest.

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