Weekly Tarot Forecast: Favorable Energies in Love


According to this week’s tarot forecast, the energies are favorable for organizing your love life.

Check out the full weekly tarot forecast.

2 zodiac signs won’t be too affected by July’s full moon


This week will be fantastic for romantic relationships. For those who feel like everything is lost in love, stay at peace, because the tarot card that will bring love back to life is the “Ring.” It represents reconciliation, peace, and harmony. Take the opportunity to enjoy your love, to be open to new love, and especially to rekindle your existing love. Love is in the air.


The moment calls for caution; it is not the time for new ventures or taking risks. The tarot card that will guide your work this week is the “Dog.” This card is a warning that not everything around you is genuinely with you. Being attentive and staying alert is the best course of action. Allow changes to occur at another time, not now.


Be careful with your spending; you might face losses that could complicate your life. The tarot card giving this warning is the “Books.” It is not a good time to ask for loans or lend money, as you might get stuck in a difficult situation for a long time.


Try not to relax when it comes to your health. A balanced diet, a good night’s sleep, and some walks will greatly help in maintaining harmony throughout your week. The tarot card giving this alert is the “Birds,” indicating a total need to be in tune with your body and mind. Do your part and pay more attention to your health.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was translated with the help of AI.

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