Weekly Tarot Forecast: New Financial Directions

The tarot predicts that this week will bring a shift in your work and financial paths.

Stay updated with the full weekly tarot forecast.

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Use wisdom, don’t let others weaken your relationship, and avoid wasting time on idle chatter. You are the one who knows about your love life; people talk too much, but what truly matters are your feelings. The Gypsy tarot card guiding love this week is “The Books,” which means keeping your focus on love and not letting opinions and guesswork hinder your journey.


It’s time for major breakthroughs and achievements; keep your goals in sight. The Gypsy tarot card overseeing your projects is “The Anchor,” signaling prosperous times and great profits. Don’t fear the new; success depends on your ability to adapt to challenges.


A week for financial organization, even in the face of challenges. The Gypsy tarot card ruling this week is “The Moon,” so even if you’re unsure how to resolve your financial situation, opportunities will arise, and you’ll find yourself much more at ease.


Time to recharge your energies; don’t let issues affect your self-care. Balance is crucial to prevent your body from suffering. The Gypsy tarot card urging these considerations is “The Heart”; it reminds us not to let negative energies interfere with our health and to stay away from negative influences.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was translated with the help of AI.

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