Weekly Tarot Forecast: Professional Growth

The weekly tarot forecast indicates that it will be a time for professional growth.

Check out the full weekly tarot forecast.

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A calm week for those experiencing moments of romantic distress. The card from the Gypsy tarot that will set the tone for your heart is the “Bouquet,” representing calmness, peace, and settling of scores. Moments of joy will be the great secret of the week; don’t waste time thinking about the past, much less the future—live in the present, as it will guide you.


For those wanting to change jobs, start something new, undertake a project, or even invest in courses, this is the opportune moment. The card from the Gypsy tarot that will guide the week is the “Stork,” representing positive changes in all aspects; there is nothing that will divert paths from professional achievements. It’s time to build.


Caution should be your motto this week with money. Losses and financial concerns will be quite present in day-to-day life. The card from the Gypsy tarot that conveys this caution is the “Child,” representing innocence in the face of extravagant expenses and, especially, believing that everything will be resolved; don’t think that way, taking risks will be a significant problem in the future.


Like it or not, health will always determine what we can or cannot do, so it’s useless to work too much, save money, fight in love, do whatever without health; none of that matters. So, don’t take risks, always seek to understand your limits. The card from the Gypsy tarot that issues this warning is the “Path,” and even if you don’t agree, health will always be the one dictating the rules.

By Samantha Di Khali

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