Weekly tarot forecast: time to resolve love issues

Weekly tarot forecast: time to resolve love issues
Photo: Unsplash

The weekly tarot forecast indicates that it will be a great time to resolve love issues, according to Samantha Di Khali, the energies will be positive for matters of the heart.

Stay updated with the complete weekly tarot forecast.

The 4 Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs


There’s nothing better than being at peace in love, and this week promises many achievements and, most importantly, harmony. That long-overdue heart-to-heart conversation is finally here. The gypsy tarot card guiding love this week is the “Sun”; this card will bring all the positive energy for one of the best phases in relationships.


It’s time to solidify new projects and restart old ones. Professional achievements are coming and will bring great gains with new partnerships. The gypsy tarot card ruling your work week is the “Anchor”; this card is here to anchor your professional path and bring great news.


It’s a week of extra gains; take the opportunity to update your life, settle old debts, and start organizing your future. It’s time to make peace with money. The gypsy tarot card setting the tone for finances is the “Garden”; this card represents peace and tranquility.


It’s not a favorable time for major upheavals or neglecting your health. Be careful not to be caught off guard; if you’re feeling something unusual, see a doctor immediately. Make sure to have a good diet and, above all, get enough sleep. Don’t sacrifice your body and mind. The gypsy tarot card giving this warning is the “Mouse”; don’t slack off in caring for your body.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was translated with the help of AI.

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