Weekly Tarot Prediction: Time to Settle Debts

Weekly Tarot Prediction: Time to Settle Debts
Photo: Unsplash

The weekly tarot prediction indicates that the week will be excellent for settling debts.

Check out the complete weekly tarot prediction!

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It’s a time for observation. There are situations where it’s better to wait for things to calm down to avoid future complications. It’s not a good week to pick fights, especially over things that haven’t even happened yet. The Gypsy Deck card that gives this warning is the “Scythe,” which means cutting off any parallel conversations about your feelings.


Good energies are on the way, whether it’s that new job or that promotion. Take advantage of this phase and do your best. Big challenges are meant for people with bigger purposes. The Gypsy Deck card that will guide your steps this week at work is the “Bouquet.” This card is for starting new projects.


Great week to reorganize your finances; extra earnings and financial improvements are on your way. Of course, discipline is always necessary, but you’ll have the means to resolve old financial issues. Take advantage of this good phase. The Gypsy Deck card announcing this good news is the “Lilies,” which symbolize peace and tranquility.


It’s necessary to find more time to take care of your health. You’ve been putting it off for a while—starting that diet, following good eating habits, and even starting physical exercise will be fundamental this week. The Gypsy Deck card pointing this direction is the “Knight,” which means it’s important to pay more attention to your health.

By Samantha Di Khali

This content was translated with the help of AI.

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