What Retrograde Uranus Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

What Retrograde Uranus Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Photo: Unsplash

With the end of Mercury retrograde on August 28, things should start to improve. However, Retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which begins on September 1 and lasts until January 25, 2025, will serve as a reminder to practice patience with yourself and others.

Unlike Mercury retrograde, which happens three or four times a year and lasts three weeks, Uranus retrograde occurs once a year and lasts five months. According to astrologer Lisa Stardust, this period is ideal for making small advances in our personal and collective growth.

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Stardust explains that with Uranus in Taurus, we should reflect on how we want to evolve and transform. This process takes time, so it’s important not to rush things. She also notes that because Uranus and Venus move in orbits opposite to Earth, their impact will be slower. Therefore, it’s essential to be kind and understanding both to yourself and to others.

Continue reading to discover how Retrograde Uranus might influence your zodiac sign, according to Stardust’s predictions.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

For the fiery Aries, Stardust explains that there will be “many changes coming to your financial situation” during this retrograde period. “Instead of focusing on the issue, it is ideal for you to concentrate on how to prevent the problem from occurring in the future,” Stardust explains. Over the next five months, it will be essential for you to keep an eye on your finances and “connect with people who can give you the best advice on how to save money,” according to Stardust.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This retrograde will be about “soul-searching” for Taurus signs. Stardust says that “you might find that aligning with your true self is more complicated than you thought.” Over the next five months, Stardust suggests that “you refine yourself in the true essence of who you are and embrace the most authentic version of yourself.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Be cautious with your imagination and dreamy thoughts, Gemini. Stardust says that “your imagination and mind are higher than ever, which can be both a good and a bad thing” in the coming months. While this time may bring more creativity, you may “express paranoia in situations.” Stardust notes that it is important to “keep your feet on the ground” and ensure that your mind doesn’t “take over.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This time will focus on your friendships, Cancer. According to Stardust, this month will be a time for you to “appreciate those who have been by your side through thick and thin.” While “some friends may come and go, those who are your true friends will stay with you forever,” Stardust adds, noting that during this retrograde you should “try to make an effort to connect with them during this time to show support and kindness in their moments of need.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

For Leo signs, this will be a time to keep an eye on the “twists and turns happening in your career.” Stardust reveals that “Retrograde Uranus is an ideal time for you to step up and try to remedy the issues you are having at work to improve them.” Instead of avoiding your work problems, “you should try to find the best solutions” to resolve them.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, this retrograde will be about socializing with people outside your close circle who will “challenge your mind to grow.” Stardust teases that “you might find yourself connecting with people outside your peer group” over the next five months. “They might teach you a lot about yourself,” Stardust continues. “It will be enlightening to see what they bring to your life.”

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Retrograde Uranus might bring “unexpected financial gain” for you, Libra. Stardust explains that “if you are expecting a tax refund or an inheritance, you might be surprised by how much you receive.” However, even though you might experience financial abundance, Stardust advises you to “try to save before spending it all frivolously.”

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This Retrograde Uranus will be a time to resolve issues with your partner, Scorpio. Stardust says that the retrograde may allow you to “understand [your partner] on a different level and find a middle ground that meets both your needs.” This time might bring about the “start of a better dynamic” between you two, adds Stardust.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The next five months will be about “setting boundaries with coworkers,” Sagittarius. Stardust says that, while you may be “someone who takes on projects that come your way,” you will set clearer boundaries “to ensure you don’t burn the candle at both ends.” It will be important to stay firm and say “no” more often so that “you have more time to focus on yourself,” adds Stardust.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

For Capricorn signs, this Retrograde Uranus will be about your long-term financial investments. Stardust explains that “making calculated investments is essential, especially for someone as financially savvy and economical as you.” However, before deciding to “play the stock market,” Stardust strongly recommends “making sure you are making moves with minimal loss and maximum profit.”

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Continue to move to the beat of your own drum, Aquarius. Stardust says that “you might be tested by the universe to be a sheep that follows the herd” and reminds you that “you are an eagle that flies freely.”

“The main point of this transit is that you don’t need to conform or adhere to anyone’s expectations,” explains Stardust. “Be the unique individual that you are.”

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Trust your intuition over the next five months, Pisces. Stardust reminds you not to “let the world confuse your thoughts and how you feel.” Stardust says not to “be swayed by your visceral feelings” about this retrograde, as it “holds the key to infinite knowledge—no matter what people say.”

Source: People

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