Where is the heart of men, according to their sign?

Onde fica o coração dos homens, segundo seu signo?. Foto: Pexels
Where is the heart of men, according to their sign? Photo: Pexels

Naxio website decided to show where the heart of men is according to the characteristics and priorities of each zodiac sign

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Aries – has the heart exactly where it should be

Áries - tem o coração exatamente onde deveria
Aries – has the heart exactly where it should be

All things and people occupy their fair share in their heart. They are honored with feelings and are fair individuals. Even when in love, they are very respectful towards everyone and life. And when they love someone, it’s for real.

Taurus – the heart is in the stomach

Touro - o coração fica no estômago
Taurus – the heart is in the stomach

What Taurus loves most in the world is food. They love to eat and enjoy the other pleasures of life. In second place comes family. If they find a partner who makes them enjoy good food, that person has certainly won at least 70% of their heart.

Gemini – the heart is in the throat

Gêmeos - o coração fica no ´gogó´
Gemini – the heart is in the throat

This is because their strong point is communication. They express everything very well in words – and they talk a lot! They spend all their time saying “I love you.” They speak their feelings out loud and involve you in all this courtship. Deep down, they are sensitive and wish well to everyone.

Cancer – the heart is in… the heart

Câncer – o coração fica no… coração
Cancer – the heart is in… the heart

It is big, but it is limited to their family. Quite selfish, their love is only for themselves and their loved ones. In fact, once outside of this circle, they don’t care about those who live nearby or far away. Their priority is to live their own life, within a very small circle of dear people.

Leo – the heart is in the head

Leão - o coração fica na cabeça
Leão – o coração fica na cabeça

They have a huge and rational heart. Leos love their family, friends, and life. They are honest and like to help solve other people’s problems. They also love nature, the sea, the mountains, trees, people… They feel for the world’s misfortunes and suffer from the planet’s ills.

Virgo – has a broken heart

Virgem - tem o coração partido
Virgo – has a broken heart

Half of their heart is loving towards their family, and the other half is cold and calculating for their work and business. They are very good negotiators precisely because they are cold. Virgos are truly divided between these two halves.

Libra – has the heart on another planet

Libra - tem o coração em outro planeta
Libra – has the heart on another planet

They have a concept of love that sometimes doesn’t match reality, and they end up being disappointed. They are promiscuous, despite being analytical and balanced. They can love more than one woman at the same time, while also loving their family, work, and home. All at the same time.

Scorpio – the heart is “down there”

Escorpião - o coração fica ´naquilo´
Scorpio – the heart is “down there”

They measure everything by sex. They condition everything to such an extent that sometimes they can’t associate it with their feelings and reasons. They end up saying stupid things by following their impulses. They can’t resist temptations.

Sagittarius – has the heart in the right place

Sagitário - tem o coração no lugar
Sagittarius – has the heart in the right place

Their loves don’t last. Period. They can go from partner to partner throughout their lives. When they love, it’s real, but they love adventure too much and live in the moment. They love their family, but selfishly, because they come first and second.

Capricorn – has an empty heart

Capricórnio - tem o coração vazio
Capricorn – has an empty heart

First comes themselves, their social position, their money, their family, and only then, after achieving all that, there is room for love. But their heart is not passionate, it is well measured and follows their interests.

Aquarius – has an icy heart

Aquário - tem o coração de gelo
Aquarius – has an icy heart

Their life can be summarized as: their work, their professional or intellectual development, their family, and their hobbies. Each thing has its place. They are not sentimental, romantic, or passionate. They simply live life in total freedom and without much space for emotions. But yes, they have their values and ethics.

Pisces – has the heart spread throughout the body

Peixes - tem o coração espalhado pelo corpo todo
Pisces – has the heart spread throughout the body

They are all about love! They love many women at once, their family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. Their sensitivity is enormous, they care about everyone and also feel sorry for everyone. They want to help the whole world and solve their problems.

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