Your horoscope for the July 2024 full moon

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As the July 2024 full moon approaches on the 21st at 7:19, a period of intense transformation is preparing for many. Five zodiac signs are particularly destined to experience significant and impactful changes.

Under the influence of this powerful full moon, each of these signs will be driven to confront challenges, explore new opportunities, and follow paths that promise to profoundly redefine them.

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Discover how this full moon promises to shape primarily the destinies of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo this July.


The full moon in Capricorn will bring awareness to your profession, reputation, and legacy. Information bubbling up from the past may rub salt in an old wound. Although your ego may be bruised and your naturally impatient personality may want to take immediate action to rectify the situation, make sure to take a moment to step back and breathe.

Perhaps you’ll realize that this bruised ego wasn’t your fault, and that you need to shift your ambitions. Take time to acknowledge all that you’ve achieved on your journey so far. You should have a greater sense of certainty about your situation by the end of the full moon. And if you’re still confused, it means there’s a new adventure on the horizon.


Being stubborn and practical is how you approach life, which allows strength in your values where others may be more inconsistent. However, this full moon is unearthing new experiences that change the way you see the world. You may find that tradition told you one thing, but your experiences are now shedding light on a completely different idea. You won’t be forced to change your worldview, but this new awareness should help you be more open to how you interpret everything around you.

Give yourself space to remove the noise and settle into your beliefs. A bit of freedom and separation from distraction can allow you to return to your level of peace of mind. Don’t let the sales stay too long, though. Your peripheral has a lot of history to reveal, so be sure to acknowledge experiences and belief systems that may be out of sight.


Your shadow will come to light with this full moon. With the moon in Capricorn, you may tend to be cataclysmic or feel that the world around you is becoming too much. So step away from the world for a minute and into your psyche. If internal demons are knocking at your door, talk to them so they feel less scary. Avoidance is the killer of this full moon — so you owe it to yourself to stay on top of things that bother you.

If you’ve been putting off a tough conversation, abandoning a relationship, or even swallowing a hard pill, now is the time to go further than before. While this full moon may seem challenging, release will come. To treat the wound, you must rip off the Band-Aid and pour a little hydrogen peroxide on it to clean it. What is that metaphorical wound that you keep covering up and still needs to be properly addressed?


How do you keep space for yourself and set boundaries with the people in your life? This full moon echoes many of the relationship issues that may have occurred with last month’s full moon. You may find yourself more impatient with these relationships, as you or they have higher expectations than usual (I have to love these Capricorn influences).

These are likely issues you’ve tried to discuss before but were met with apprehension — now you understand who you care about and who cares about you. This will allow you to strive more accurately to not invest in relationships that are not investing in you. How the world sees you may be different than you initially anticipated, so now you can put your foot down and ensure it is received as desired and do the same for others.


It takes three weeks to form a new habit, but only one week to break it. Giving up a bad habit can be hard, but the full moon is here to help. As a Leo, you love the luxurious, beautiful, and bright experiences of the world that bring happiness. Whether it’s romance, hobbies, the food you eat, or the drinks you consume, you’re here to have fun in this life. However, fun must be moderated, and you are reminded of this fact during this full moon.

Perhaps you’ve been too lax or too strict at work? Maybe you haven’t kept up with necessary self-care like exercising or eating right? The full moon is swinging now to encourage you to maximize your time and create habits that align with your goals. This means building a balanced approach to seeking work and fun.


What brings you the most passion in this world? Are you really honest with yourself about what you want and what brings you joy? You may feel that things that bring you joy no longer have or have the same spark as before. There may even be some drama around romantic connections! The feeling that you haven’t been treated may be strong, but don’t let that stop you from the work that needs to be done.

This is a Capricorn full moon that wants us to strive harder, so strive for what makes you feel better. It may not be a typical indulgence; it may be rearranging your home or taking a walk, but there’s something out there waving at you to reconnect with true happiness.


The full moon will stir up many emotions for you, Libra. Yes, full moons are typically emotional, but your deepest thoughts and feelings, influences from your upbringing and family matters, are part of this full moon story. You’ll be able to distinguish the layers of emotional complexity if you allow yourself to fully examine them.

This may make you uncomfortable in dealing with any issues, or even recognize that you’ve been holding onto something longer than expected — but it gives you the power to let it go. It’s best to lean into outlets that allow you to comfortably express your feelings in a healthy way. But don’t let your non-confrontational side avoid the action that must follow.


For someone with so many walls, the full moon is here to ease their breaking. The head and heart often have a strong bond for anyone with Scorpio placements, but the ability to articulate this experience can vary from person to person. With this full moon, the awareness that comes can help you express what you’re feeling, despite your natural need to keep it inside.

Scorpio influences often expect vulnerability before giving it, but the full moon tells you that you must lead by being open. Take note of Capricorn’s call and hold yourself to the same standards you have for others. Be willing to let people in, setting aside your assumptions about how they might receive your more sensitive side. You may be surprised!


The good news is that the full moon reminds you of who you are and reignites your self-esteem. Although insecurity may still be present, as the full moon shows what’s normally hidden, this awareness is part of the story to help you navigate a path to stay grounded in yourself. An independent Sagittarius can travel the world without fear of what comes next, but may struggle to stay in one place to redefine what it means to find the present.

Work to stay present to ensure that your material world is aligned. Slow down to take the time to understand how you’ve used your resources to reflect on your feelings about yourself. You’ll find that reassessing what’s happening in your material world will also invite changes on an internal and emotional level.


Another full moon in your sign — and self-awareness and acceptance should be high. Bringing your most vulnerable attributes to the surface can be challenging, but it’s necessary. It’s better to work toward an outlet that allows you to express your emotions authentically and freely rather than suppress them. Capricorn is the sea goat, so your logic, reason, and practicality will come first, but that doesn’t mean your vulnerability has completely disappeared.

Focus on what you can control: not the world, but YOUR world. You have power over how you react and express yourself. So why not let it be authentic? The full moon will help you see and express yourself in a way that doesn’t restrict your truth. The good + the bad, the yin + the yang, all flow through you, and the only person making you follow specific life standards is yourself.


This full moon is going to be heavy, maybe a bit heavier than last month’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had some wild dreams before and on the day of the full moon. Consider this as a kind of premonition. Are you having dreams of your relationships falling apart? Maybe it’s time to act and spend more time with people. Maybe your boss turns into a flying purple people eater — then you know the work situation is toxic and you should start moving away.

Slow down and listen to the signs to help map out where you will act next. Give yourself time for introspection instead of succumbing to your responsibilities, deadlines that need to be met, etc. Boundaries will be essential so that you don’t neglect your responsibility to take care of yourself.


You may be worried that you’re falling behind on the plan you set for yourself some time ago. Maybe your idealism imagined that you would have many more boxes checked by now, but that’s not the case. This doesn’t mean the dream was in vain, and the plan still can’t be followed. You may need to reassess the direction the plan is going and how you’ve strategized for it.

While an annoying voice may be saying, “There’s still work to be done,” celebrate your achievements now. You may also find revelations about your community and groups of friends. These people are essential to support and inspire you towards your goal, so rely on them to help remind you of what needs to be done.

Source: WMagazine

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