The Instagram profile “Horóscopo Negro”, which mixes humor and astrology, defined each sign in just three words. Of course, it’s very little to describe something as complex as…
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Homebody Zodiac Signs: These signs would do anything to stay at home instead of going out
They’re all about the couch and Netflix. They might even accept invitations to go out and for a few minutes, find the activities enjoyable, but when it comes down to it, they cancel. For some signs, the best place in the world is their own bed – or at most, the sofa.
Read MoreSaiba quais os signos mais stalker: os melhores investigadores das redes sociais
Todo grupo de amigos tem aquela pessoa que é praticamente um detetive das redes sociais, descobre tudo e mais um pouco sobre alguém.
Read MoreLa Lune dans le thème astral : comment comprendre votre signe lunaire
La lune est une influence capricieuse, éternellement enceinte. Dans les mythes à travers les continents, elle personnifie la mère divine : comme la déesse grecque Séléné, avec 50…
Read MoreLa Luna en el mapa astral: cómo entender tu signo lunar
La Luna es una influencia temperamental, eternamente embarazada. En mitos a lo largo de los continentes, personifica a la madre divina: como la diosa griega Selene, con 50 hijas; como Luna, su contraparte romana; como Abuk, la diosa Dinka de las mujeres y los jardines; como Ala, una Odinani alusi que envuelve las almas muertas en su útero sagrado.
Read MoreThe Moon in the Birth Chart: Understanding Your Lunar Sign
The moon is a temperamental influence, eternally pregnant. In myths across continents, it personifies the divine mother: like the Greek goddess Selene with her 50 daughters, like Luna, her Roman counterpart, like Abuk, the Dinka goddess of women and gardens, like Ala, an Odinani alusi who enfolds dead souls in her sacred womb.
Read MoreComment savoir si un Poisson est amoureux de vous ? Découvrez comment les Poissons réagissent à l’amour !
La saison mystique et enveloppante des Poissons approche, et il n’y a pas de meilleure façon de décrire sa magie que de célébrer son amour universel et sa compassion infinie.
Read MoreHow to know if a Pisces is in love with you? Discover how Pisces reacts to love!
The mystical and all-encompassing season of Pisces is approaching, and there is no better way to describe its magic than by celebrating its universal love and infinite compassion.
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