Cancer: The Recommended Professions (and Dream Jobs) for the Sign

Cancer: The Recommended Professions (and Dream Jobs) for the Sign
Cancer: The Recommended Professions (and Dream Jobs) for the Sign

Learn how the Cancer sign behaves as a professional and which careers match its personality.

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The sign of Cancer and professions:

  • Dedicated in everything they do;
  • Excessively self-demanding;
  • Their daily challenge is not to be so insecure;
  • They are supportive and excellent for team work;
  • When it comes to work, they are very responsible;
  • Their intuition is helpful when they need to make decisions.
Recommended professions:

Psychology, education, advertising, gastronomy, marketing, hospitality, history, art, nutrition, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy.

Dream job:

Caretaker, grievance organizer, Mexican actor, manipulative personal trainer, and hardship storyteller.
Source: @astroloucamente
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