Mercury retrograde is like puberty and paying taxes — never kind and completely necessary.
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The 5 Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs: Are You One of Them?
Zodiac signs have unique characteristics that influence each person’s personality. Some of these traits can be seen as more dangerous or intense, depending on how they are expressed.
Read MoreThe universe has a special message for 4 zodiac signs on August 22, 2024
It’s August 22, and the Sun has just entered Virgo, which means the perfectionist season is already upon us. Astrology tells us that by the end of the day, we will have fully immersed ourselves in the Sun of Virgo and felt a little of what Virgo is.
Read More8 Powerful Ways to Make the Universe Work in Your Favor
The idea of making the universe work in your favor may seem magical, but it is actually a combination of positive mindset, intentional action, and alignment with your goals.
Read More3 zodiac signs most likely to reconnect with old friends
It can be stressful to reach out to old friends. What if they don’t want to hear from you? What if they leave you on read? While the stress of overthinking may prevent some people from reconnecting with long-lost friends, certain zodiac signs are always happy to send a text and say hi.
Read MoreCan astrology tell if you’re an old soul — or a novice?
Have you been here before? There’s a trick in astrology that can help you determine if you’re new to life — or just living the last of many lives.
Read MoreMercury retrograde brought chaos this month — is your sign one of the 4 most vulnerable?
What a tedious winter, right? — Mercury retrograde will continue to dominate the month of August.
Read MoreImpact of August’s Blue Supermoon on Your Zodiac Sign: What to Expect?
This month’s full moon is traditionally nicknamed the Blue Supermoon and rises on August 19th, serving as the dramatic closing act of Leo season.
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