“Arbatel: De Magia Veterum” (Arbatel: The Magic of the Ancients) is a famous grimoire or magical manual that was first published in 1575 in Switzerland.
+ Pray to Archangel Haniel to attract love
Arbatel is primarily known for its section called “Ars Paulina,” a part of the text that focuses on the summoning and commanding of spirits and angels. This book is one of many texts on Renaissance magic and is considered one of the most important and influential.
Arbatel differs from other grimoires of its time in its positive tone and focus on natural magic and spirituality, rather than ceremonial magic and pacts with demons that were common in other texts of the same period. The book offers advice and instructions on living a virtuous life and how to use magic for one’s own and others’ benefit, emphasizing the importance of morality and religion in magical practice.
Arbatel is divided into several sections called “Aphorismi” or aphorisms, each providing insights into different aspects of spiritual life and magical practice. These aphorisms include guidance on how to interact with spiritual entities, achieve wisdom and knowledge, and conduct magical experiments.
It is claimed that Arbatel was written in 1575 AD. This date is supported by textual references dating from 1536 to 1583. The final editor of Arbatel is believed to have been the Swiss physician Theodor Zwinger, and it was published by the Italian printer Pietro Perna. The author remains unknown, although there is speculation that a man named Jacques Gohory might be the author. Like Zwinger and Perna, Gohory was part of the Paracelsian movement (a group that believed in and followed the medical and therapeutic theories of Paracelsus).
Nevertheless, the book continues to be studied and respected by scholars of the history of magic, occultism, and esotericism.