Put on your favorite party dress! Venus in the sign of Leo gives us many reasons to celebrate. What are you most proud of? What makes you stand out in the crowd?
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These 3 signs are most likely to start a fight on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day, which in Brazil is celebrated on June 12th, is celebrated in various other countries on February 14th.
Read MoreCombination of Signs – Scorpio and Gemini
Scorpio and Gemini: This is a tough combination, unless something in both of their charts could change this tendency.
Read MoreCharacteristics of signs: discover what no one tells you about Geminis
The signs have some general characteristics that can be quite similar in people.
Read MoreThe 6 most clueless signs of the zodiac
Hello? Is anyone home? Some people are so unaware of what’s happening around them that they seem to be in their own little world. Perhaps these signs simply…
Read MoreThe ideal man according to your zodiac sign
Trying to find the ideal man who is compatible with your zodiac sign is like trying to find a serious relationship on Tinder. Most of the time, the men you meet are not looking for anything serious.
Read More4 most stylish zodiac signs
Not everyone knows the art of dressing up! From a simple sports t-shirt to casual denim pieces – there are just some people of certain zodiac signs who…
Read MoreStrawberry Moon: How the full moon in June will affect your sign
Although the answers may have been few and far between in the last few weeks (thanks, Mercury retrograde), you can expect some of your burning questions to be answered as the Strawberry Moon unfolds and impacts all zodiac signs.
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