Os 3 signos mais poderosos do zodíaco

The 3 most powerful zodiac signs

Although all zodiac signs are powerful and everyone has powerful positions in their charts, there are some zodiac signs whose brave attitude and leadership skills make them stand out in the crowd.

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Was Ihr Sternzeichen braucht, um besser schlafen zu können. Foto: Pexels

What Your Zodiac Sign Needs for Better Sleep

Have you ever wondered why some people can fall asleep almost instantly while others seem to struggle to get more than a few hours of sleep each night? Some may say it’s due to genetics or habits, but your zodiac sign can also have an influence.

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7 mantras simples para repetir durante os tempos difíceis. Foto: pexels

7 simple mantras to repeat during difficult times

Do not confuse mantras with something as banal as “Live. Laugh. Love.” painted on a piece of reclaimed logs. A mantra is not a piece of marketing. Instead, it’s a personal philosophy that expresses who you are, what you believe and, most importantly, what you are capable of. When repeated, the specific phrase or word can help you focus your intentions and calm your mind.

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